Number 5, 1989

National Processes Today


On New Approaches to Theory and Practice of Interethnic Relations. Editorial Comment

pp. 3-15

Groundless Though Publicistically Written

pp. 15-23

Neither Publicism Nor Science (A Reply to My Opponent)

pp. 23-28

The Pamirians — Separate Peoples or Tadzhik Groups?

pp. 28-35

Some Remarks about A. S. Davydov’s Comment on S. V. Cheshko’s Paper

pp. 35-38


Adaptation of Russian Old-Settlers in Azerbaijan

pp. 39-50

An Ancient Burial Ground on the Island of Shikotan and the Problem of the Ainu Ethnogehesis

pp. 50-63

The Ashanti in Ethnography and the Ashanti Ethnography: Fatal Incompatibility?

pp. 64-77

From the History of Ethnography

V. K. Sokolova’s Scholarly Heritage

pp. 78-82


Coevals and Family (Age and Sex Social Stratification in Old Central Altai Mennonites

pp. 83-95

Spatial Determinants of Marital Structure among the XIX — Early XX c.

pp. 95-108

The Atlyk Organization among the Turkmen of Murgab in Asia)

pp. 108-113

New Data on V. P. Shchogol’onok, a Well-Known Narrator

pp. 113-116

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

On the Island of Bili Bili (In the Steps of Miclouho-Maclay)

pp. 117-122

Our Anniversaries

List of Major Folklore Studies by M. M. Plisetsky, Doctor of Historical Sciences (To His 80th Birthday)

pp. 123-124

List of Major Works by Yu. I. Sem’onov, Doctor of Historical Sciences (To His 60th Birthday)

pp. 125-129

Academic Life

Theory and Practice of Interethnic Relations under Perestroika

pp. 130-134

A Conference in the Moscow University «Comprehensive Study of Interethnic Relations in the USSR»

pp. 134-139

In the Interdisciplinary Council on Studying Ethnic Processes

pp. 139-140

International Symposia on the Balkan Folklore

pp. 140-144

A Discussion of Ethno-National Processes in the Volga-Ural Region

pp. 144-146

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 147-148

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

A Review of an Italian Journal «Etnie»

pp. 149-156

A New European Journal of American Indian Studies («European Review of Native American Studies)

pp. 156-158

General Ethnography

V. A. Nikonov. A Geography of Surnames; V. A. Nikonov. Searching for a Name

pp. 159-163

Peoples of the USSR

Sources in West Siberian Ethnography

pp. 163-165

Peoples of Non-Soviet Europe

A. E. Suprun. The Language of the Laba (Elbe) Slavs

pp. 165-167

Peoples of Africa

K. P. Kalinovskaya. East African Cattle-Breeders in XIX—XX c. Economy and Social Organization

pp. 167-170

Peoples of Oceania

N. Hilliard. A Maori Girl

pp. 170-172