Number 2, 1987

To the Study of the History of Popular Culture in the Light of V. I. Lenin’s Theoretical Heritage

pp. 3-12

Cranioscopy and Racial Classification

pp. 12-31

The Life Style of Finland’s Industrial Workers in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

pp. 31-41

Life Cycle Rituals and Customs of the Ukrainian Guild Crattsmen (16th to Mid- 17th Centuries)

pp. 41-51

The Ethnic Self-Awareness of the Bulgarians at the Stage of Their Transition from Nationality (Narodnost’) to Nation (Natsiya)

pp. 51-61

The Unagan-Bogol (on the Evolution of the Form of Subjection among Mongol-Speaking Nomadic Peoples)

pp. 61-73

From the History of Ethnography

Julius Lippert (to the 100th Anniversary of His «History of Culture»)

pp. 74-82


To the Problem of Ethnocultural Factors in the Labour of the Modern Industrial Worker (Some Results of an Expert Inquiry among the Workers of Uzbekistan)

pp. 83-88

The Traditional and the New in the Adyghe Feast Etiquette

pp. 89-100

Community Traditions in Irrigation Agriculture in Pre-Revolutionary Uzbekistan (19th to Early 20th Centuries)

pp. 100-107

Karachay and Balkar Alakiiz (Patterned Felts)

pp. 107-112

Craniological Material from the «Hospital Hill» Burial Site

pp. 112-116

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

The Ring of the Proto-Indian Goddess and the Indian Collections of the Leningrad Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

pp. 117-129

Our Anniversaries

List of Major Works by L. G. Barag, Doctor of Historical Sciences (to His 75th Birthday)

pp. 130-133

Academic Life

«Ethnic Processes in the Modern World», an International Conference

pp. 134-139

An All-Union Conference in Arkhangelsk Devoted to the 275th Birth Anniversary of M. V. Lomonosov

pp. 139-141

A Visit of Canadian Archaeologists to the Soviet Union

pp. 141-143

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 143-144

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

A Statistical-Ethnographic Study of the Volga Area Peoples

pp. 145-149

Scholarly Publications of Russian Siberian Folklore, 1979—1984)

pp. 149-153

General Ethnography

Ethnologie Occidentale. Essais critiques sur I’idiologie

pp. 153-157

A Demographic Encyclopaedic Dictionary

pp. 157-160

Peoples of the USSR

V. A. Alexandrov. Common Law in the Russian Serf Village, 18th and Early 19th Centuries

pp. 160-163

Ye. S. Novik. Ritual and Folklore in Siberian Shamanism

pp. 163-165

Children’s Folklore: Lullabyes and Funny Jokes. (In Ukrainian)

pp. 165-167

Peoples of America

D. Bonavia. Mural painting in Ancient Peru

pp. 167-170


Georgi Spiridonovich Chitaya

pp. 171-173