Number 5, 1987

The Great October and Soviet Ethnography

pp. 3-16

Physical Anthropology of the USSR: Some Results and Prospects of Research

pp. 17-30

Ethno-Cultural Processes in Byelorussian Cities: Their History and Modern Evolution

pp. 31-40

On the «Drop of Blood» in American Countries (Racial Identification: Social and Biological Aspects)

pp. 41-55


Discussing Yu. V. Bromley's and M. V. Kriukov's Article «Ethnography: Its Place in the System of Sciences, Main Currents, Methods»

Once Again on the Subject of Ethnography

pp. 56-59

Expanding Ethnography’s Subject-Matter

pp. 60-61

Perfectioning the Methods of Ethnography

pp. 61-66

On Some Aspects of Treating the History of Ethnography

pp. 67-70

Ethnography in Museums

Ethnographic Museums in Leningrad in Early Soviet Years (1918—1923)

pp. 71-80


Contemporary Ethnic Situation in Tofalaria

pp. 81-89

Interethnic Relations and Identity among North American Eskimos

pp. 90-99

Religious Denomination and Ethnicity in Kenya

pp. 100-110

The Cheyenne Indians within the American System of Hired Labor

pp. 111-117

Pre-Hispanic Dwellings in South-West Columbia

pp. 118-124

A Forgotten Lubok Poster Depicting N. N. Miklukho-Maklay

pp. 125-136

Our Anniversaries

List of Major Works by N. P. Kolpakova, Doctor of Philological Sciences (to her 85th Birthday)

pp. 137-136

List of Major Works of A. I. Robakidze, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Georgian SSR (to His 80th Birthday and 55th Anniversary of Scholarly Activity)

pp. 139-141

Academic Life

A Scientific Conference «The XXVII Congress of the CPSU and Problems of Interaction between Nature and Society at Different Historical Stages»

pp. 142-146

An International Symposium «Culture and History in the Pacific Area»

pp. 147-151

Expeditions in brief

pp. 152-155

Criticism and Bibliograrhy

Critical Articles and Reviews

A New Edition of A. N. Afanasiev’s «Russian Folktales»

pp. 156-161

General Ethnography

H. Lowmianski. The Rus’ and the Normans

pp. 162-163

Der Wandel der Dörfer und Städte und die gegenseitige. Beeinflussung in der Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg

pp. 164-166

Peoples of the USSR

The Population of Yerevan. An Ethno-Sociological Study

pp. 167-166

A Historical-Ethnographic Atlas of the Baltic Republics. Agriculture

pp. 168-171

Peoples of Non-Soviet Asia

G. Ye. Svetlov. Way of the Gods (Shinto in Japanese History)

pp. 171-172