Number 6, 1987

The Rise of Soviet Feasts

pp. 3-15

The Problem of the Traditional Aspect of Modern Russian Urban Culture

pp. 15-26

Motherhood and Fatherhood in a Historic-Ethnographic Perspective

pp. 26-37

Ethnogenesis from the Viewpoint of Population Theory

pp. 37-47


Discussing Yu. V. Bromley's and M. V. Kriukov's Article «Ethnography: Its Place in the System of Science, Main Currents, Methods»

On Delimitation and Interaction between Ethnography and Sociology in the Study of EthnoNational Processes

pp. 48-51

On the Subject of Ethnography

pp. 52-53

On the Boundaries of Ethnography

pp. 53-56

Our Forerunners and the History of Ethnography

pp. 57-59

In Memoriain A. S. Pushkin (1837—1987)

A. S. Pushkin’s Ethnographic Interests

pp. 60-71

From the History of Ethnography

The Work of Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov and the Study of Human History

pp. 72-80


Some Aspects of Armenian-Russian Bilingualism (the Results of an Ethuo-Sociological Study in Yerevan)

pp. 81-91

Ethnically Mixed Families among the Germans of Kazakhstan (the Field Data of 1986)

pp. 91-100

Bow-Shooting Skills in North-East Siberia

pp. 100-109

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

Pandukabhaya, King of the Sinhalese — the Prototype of Krishna? (Some Problems of the Early Ethnic History of South Asia)

pp. 110-119

Our Anniversaries

List of Major Works by I. S. Vdovin, Doctor of Historical Sciences (to His 80th Birthday)

pp. 120-122

Academic Life

The 3rd Congress of the International Society of European Ethnology and Folklore

pp. 123-127

Soviet-American Symposium «Ethnicity’s Role in Modern Communities»

pp. 127-131

An Exhibition treasures of Oceanian Culture»

pp. 131-137

Maklay Readings (VI—VIII)

pp. 137-140

Expeditions in brief

pp. 141-143

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

Chinese Scholars on the Taxonomy of Ethnic Communities

pp. 144-154

Ethnocultural Aspects of Old Georgian Chronicles

pp. 154-158

General Ethnography

Matti Kuusi Proverbia septentrionalia

pp. 158-160


Dmitry Alexeyevich Ol’derogge

pp. 161-165

Index for 1987

pp. 166-170