Number 3, 1990

National Processes Today

Assembly of Nations or Federal Parliament? (The Composition of the U.S.S.R. Congress of People’s Deputies and Supreme Soviet: An Ethnopolitical Analysis)

pp. 3-18

Multiethnic Villages of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in Autumn 1989 (Migrations of Non-Aboriginal Population)

pp. 18-30


Seeking Ways of Solving Ethnic (National) Problems at Early Soviet Period (1917—1923)

pp. 31-43

Ethnographic Fact

pp. 43-52

The Gelon Temple

pp. 52-65

On the Idea of Kinship

pp. 65-75


On the Determinants of Uneven Spatial Distribution of Russian Bylinas — Epics (by the Sources of XIX — Early XX Centuries)

pp. 76-83

Again on Geographic Distribution of Russian Bylinas (A Reply to M. J. Vasilyev)

pp. 83-94

Our Publications

Nina Ivanovna Gagen-Torn

pp. 95-97

In Exile on the Yenisei

pp. 97-113


Traditional Physical Training among the Olcha

pp. 114-121

Teratali Danse in the Early Rituals of Radjasthan Cultivators

pp. 121-129

Turk»—an Ethnonym of Iranian Origin? (On the Problem of Turkic Ethnogenesis)

pp. 129-135

Studying the Historical-Cultural Heritage in the Mali Republic

pp. 136-140


An Address Delivered at a Session of the Learned Council of the Institute of Ethnography, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Devoted to the Results and Prospects of the Institute Activities

pp. 141-148

The Work of the Institute of Ethnography, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, in 1989

pp. 148-152

Academic Life

A Methodological Seminar of the Institute of Ethnography, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, «Prospects of Ethnic Policies in the U.S.S.R»

pp. 153-160

A Methodological Seminar of the Institute of Ethnography, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, «Ethnos in the System of Social Patterns»

pp. 160-167

Criticism and Bibliography

General Ethnography

I. I. Krupnik. Arctic Ethno-Ecology

pp. 168-170

I. I. Krupnik. Arctic Ethno-Ecology

pp. 170-173

Comment on V. I. Kozlov’s Review

pp. 174