Number 4, 1990

National Processes Today

Nationality Problem in the U.S.S.R.: In Quest for Explanations

pp. 3-15

Counter-Arguments against Arguments (On «Republican Economic Soviereignty and Ways of National Evolutions by L. S. Perepiolkin and O. I. Shkaratan)

pp. 16-28

Back to Issues Once Discussed (A Reply to S. V. Cheshko)

pp. 28-31


Ethno-Social Determinants of Ethnic Orientation within a Dispersed Ethnic Group in a Big City (A Case Study from Leningrad)

pp. 32-42

Ethno-Meteorology (Studying Traditional Folk Knowledge)

pp. 42-54

Yearly Ritual Cycle of Ukrainian Urban Artisans in the Feudal Epoch

pp. 54-76

Soviet Ethnography in China

pp. 76-93


Ways of Ethnic-Like Passionarity (On the Conception of Ethnos and Ethnogenesis Suggested by L. N. Gumilev)

pp. 94-110

From the History of Ethnography

P. I. Preis and His Program of Ethnographic Research among Yugoslavian Peoples

pp. 111-122

Prof. Fei Xiaotung (On the Occasion of His 80th Birthday)

pp. 122-124


Peculiarities of the Mordovian Nathional Identity

pp. 125-129

Burmese Puppet Theatre as a Phenomenon of Traditional Culture

pp. 129-142

Our Anniversaries

List of Major Works by V. V. Pimenov, Doctor of Historical Sciences (to His 60th Birthday and 35 Years of Scholarly Activity)

pp. 143-146

Academic Life

UN International Seminar on Family Concepts, Terminology, Statistics and Social Indicators

pp. 147-149

An International Conference «Mass Migrations of XIX—XX cc. in European Context»

pp. 149-150

An International Conference on Historical Studies of Nutrition in Europe

pp. 150-151

Conference «Ethnic and Ethnographic Groups in the U.S.S.R. and Their Role in Contemporary Ethno-Cultural Processes»

pp. 151-155

A Session of the Learned Council of the Institute of Ethnography, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Dedicated to the Memory of Sergei Alexandrovich Tokarev

pp. 155-156

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 157-159

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

On Some Evolutionary Patterns of Ethnic Identity (Marginalia)

pp. 160-167

General Ethnograrhy

The Centennial Index: One Hundred Years of the «Journal of American Folklore»

pp. 167-169

Peoples of the U.S.S.R.

A. G. bulatova. Traditional Feasts and Rites in Highland Daghestan (XIX—Early XX c.)

pp. 169-172

Peoples of Non-Soviet Europe

Ye. A. Sherwud. From Anglo-Saxons to Englishmen (On the Formation of the English People)

pp. 172-173