Number 5, 2014

Special Theme of the Issue

The Construction of Sacred

(guest editor - V.A. Shnirelman)

Sacred Sites: The Construction of Sacred Space: Introduction to Discussion

pp. 3-9

Touching upon the Sacred: Seven Rila Lakes and the White Brotherhood in Bulgaria

pp. 10-19

Arkaim and Stonehenge between the Past and the Future

pp. 19-40

A New Mythology of History: The Archetype of “Ancient Civilizations” and the Sacral Center of Okunevo Village

pp. 41-59

The Sacral Center and the Outside World: The Problems of Interaction

pp. 59-73

“Places of Power”, “Spirits of Dolmens” and “Pristine Knowledge”: Archeological Monuments and the New Age Movement “Anastasia”

pp. 73-87

Ethnographic Siberian Studies

Plural World Interpretations: The Case of the Tyvans of South Siberia

pp. 88-103

The Art of War of the Lamut in the 17th-18th Centuries

pp. 104-120

The Funeral Rite of the Verkhnii Paren’ Koryaks: An Unidentified Element of the Rite

pp. 120-129

Specificities of Fishing in Smaller Water Bodies (the Case of the Forest Nenets)

pp. 129-145

Articles and Materials

The Arkaim Site and Popularization of Archaeology in the Southern Urals (On the Issue of Interaction between Science and Mass Consciousness)

pp. 146-161

Holy Wells in the 19th Century: The Role of the “Sacred Place Keeper” in the Shaping of a Cult

pp. 162-175

Indians of Dar es Salaamа

pp. 175-185

Reviews and Surveys

Review of Istochniki po etnicheskoi istorii aborigennogo naseleniia Ameriki (Sources on the Ethnic History of the Native Population of America). Moscow, 2012

pp. 186-188

In memoriam

In Memory of Valerian Aleksandrovich Kozmin

pp. 189-191