Number 3, 2011

Special Theme of the Issue

Medical Anthropology: History, Theory, Practice

(guest editor - V.I. Kharitonova)

Medical Anthropology in the West and in Russia

pp. 3-10

Anthropology and Medicine: Prospects for Interaction (Discussions of the 1980s-2000s)

pp. 10-21

Anthropology of Consciousness and Medical Anthropology: Crossing of the Interests or Possibilities for Interaction?

pp. 21-31

Healing among the Russian Protestants

pp. 31-39

Shamanic Healing, Psychotherapy, and the Affirmation of Indigenous Approaches to Healing

pp. 40-52

“In the Name of the Father, Mother, and Those That Need It” (Healing Strategies in Practices of Urban Shamans)

pp. 53-60

Contemporary Magical-Medical and Magical-Mystical Practices: On the Issue of Function and Adaptation

pp. 61-75

Ethnographic Materials and Studies

Canons of National Cultures: Experiences of the Netherlands, Denmark, and Latvia in the 2000s

pp. 76-88

Kyz ala kachuu and adat: non consensual bride kidnapping and tradition in Kyrgyzstan

pp. 89-104

The Traditional Housing of Mordvinian Settlers in Siberia

pp. 104-120

Gypsies in the Post-Soviet Space and in Europe: Historical, Social, and Cultural Prospects

pp. 120-130

Revered Stones in the Orthodox Christian Tradition in the North-West of Russia

pp. 130-144

Chinese Diaspora in the British Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Partnership or Conflict?

pp. 145-157


Wild Animals in the Beliefs of the Chuvash

pp. 158-162

Summer School of the Karaim Language

pp. 163-169

Latinskaia Amerika i tsivilizatsionnyi podkhod. Po povodu izdaniia “Latinoamerikanskaia tsivilizatsionnaia obshchnost’ v globaliziruiushchemsia mire’

pp. 169-182

The Series “Ethnographic-Archaeological Complexes: Problems of Culture and Socium”

pp. 182-186


Review of Apostle to the Inuit: The Journals and Ethnographic Notes of Edmund James Peck, the Baffin Years, 1894-1905. Toronto, 2006

pp. 187-18

In memoriam

Irina Mikhailovna Semashko

pp. 190-191