Home    Number 3, 2011

Contemporary Magical-Medical and Magical-Mystical Practices: On the Issue of Function and Adaptation

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Valentina I. Kharitonova | medantbro@mail.ru, Valkharit@iea.ras.ru | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


magical-medical practices, magical-mystical practices, folk healing, shamanic healing, (neo)shamanism, healing centers, folk medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, shamanistic organizations


The article discusses the problems of transformation of magical-mystical and magical-medical practices, drawing on the case of “revival” of Russian (neo)shamanism and the shaping of folk healership. It further touches on the specificity of adaptation of those involved in such practices in perestroika and post-perestroika period. The author discloses adaptation models which are then examined through the cases of different organizations, both in the capital and elsewhere in Russia, including organizational unions in Siberia (both in comparative-typological and genetic perspectives). Special attention is paid to the interaction between the practices under consideration and professional medicine, as well as to the forming of complementary medicine attempting an access to the level of integrative medicine on the country-wide scale.


Kharitonova, V.I. 2011. Contemporary Magical-Medical and Magical-Mystical Practices: On the Issue of Function and Adaptation. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 61-75

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