
About the journal

Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie [Ethnographic Review] is one of the oldest Russian academic journals dedicated to the study of peoples and cultures of the world. The journal was founded in 1889 (published as Etnografia in 1926-30; and as Sovetskaia Etnografia in 1931-1991) and is an edition of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal is published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Publication frequency: 6 issues per year. Indexed by Scopus, ERIH Plus, and Russian Science Citation Index. The journal’s page at the publisher’s website: 2018-2022 — Journals RAS; currently — Academic Journals.

Editor-in-Chief: Alexei Elfimov (Inst. of Ethnology & Anthropology, Moscow)

Associate Editor: Sergey Sokolovskiy (Inst. of Ethnology & Anthropology, Moscow)

Associate Editor: Elena Filippova (Inst. of Ethnology & Anthropology, Moscow)

Editorial Office Manager: Irina Kucherova (Inst. of Ethnology & Anthropology, Moscow)


Postal Subscription Index Has Changed

We would like to advise those subscribing to the journal through the Russian Postal Catalogue system that starting 2024 the subscription index has been changed to 38741 (previously was 70845).

SCImago/Scopus Rankings Rise to Q1/Q2

To the attention of journal authors: Please be advised that according to the SCImago metrics based on Scopus data as of March 2024, the journal’s rankings are now Q1 in Cultural Studies and Q2 in Anthropology.

For authors

The journal carries articles and essays in anthropology (primarily sociocultural), ethnology, and ethnography, as well as reviews of important publications in these fields. The editorial board welcomes interdisciplinary materials, such as lying in the border zones of anthropology and history, ethnology and sociology, physical/biological anthropology, and others, but traditionally gives priority to those among them that contribute first of all to the fields of sociocultural anthropology and ethnology. Please visit the Submissions section for more information on the current areas of interest of the journal and general submission guidelines for Authors.


Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie journal
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Rm.1807
Russian Academy of Sciences
Leninsky prospekt 32-a
Moscow, 119334, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 938-1867
E-mail (primary): ethnorev@gmail.com
E-mail (secondary): ethnoreview@iea.ras.ru