Number 6, 2011

Ethnography of Celebrations

Celebrating the “Day of the Dead” in Sicily

pp. 3–15

National Celebrations among the Teleut in the 20th-21st Centuries

pp. 16–25

Identity Studies

Traditional Culture in Contemporary Processes and Practices of Ethnic Identification among the Tatar and Russians of Tatarstan

pp. 26–39

The Buryat of Moscow: Migrations and an Experience in Sociocultural Adaptation

pp. 39–57

Nation and Ethnicity in Mongolia

pp. 58–70

Museum and Local Area Studies

The Ethnographic Department of Tsarskoselskii Arsenal and Its Collections (Unknown Pages of the Ethnographic Science in Russia)

pp. 71–82

Local Area Studies and Local Identity (the Case of Small Towns of Central Russia)

pp. 83–99

Ethnographic Materials and Studies

Children and Childhood in the Notions of the Chinese: The Past and Present

pp. 100–111

The Soviet Modernization of Deer Breeding in Remote Northern Regions (the Case of the Anadyr Region of Chukotka)

pp. 112–127

Burkhanism and Etiquette among the Altai

pp. 127–140

The Felt Manufacture among the Kazakh of Mongolia (Fieldwork Cases)

pp. 140–157

Scholarship and Higher Education

[From the Editor]

pp. 158–159

Problems of Producing a High School Ethnography Textbook (Thoughts on the Book: Osnovy etnologii: Uchebnoe posobie, ed. by V.V. Pimenov. Moscow, 2007)

pp. 159–177


Review of “Porog tolerantsnosti”: ideologiia ipraktika novogo rasizma (The “Threshold of Tolerance”: Ideology and Practice of New Racism), by V.A. Shnirelman. 2 vols. Moscow, 2011

pp. 178–181

Review of Kafedre etnologii MGU- 70 let: Sbornik statei (70 Years of the MSU Department of Ethnology: Collection of Essays). Moscow, 2010

pp. 181–183

Review of How Integrated Is Latvian Society? An Audit of Achievements, Failures and Challenges. Riga, 2010

pp. 183–186

Index of Articles and Materials Published in the Journal in 2011

pp. 187–192

On Journal's Website in "EO-Online"

An Anniversary of the Kalevala Society (Finland)

pp. 193-196

An Interview with V.G. Smolitskii

pp. 197-210

The List of Publications by V.G. Smolitskii

pp. 211-222

The List of Publications by E.A. Okladnikova

pp. 222-234

The List of Publications by V. A. Popov

pp. 235-250