Number 6, 2022

Special Theme of the Issue

Digital Technologies and Transformations of the Everyday

(guest editor S.V. Sokolovskiy)

Virtuality as Mundanity

[Virtual’nost’ kak povsednevnost’]

pp. 5–10

Schizoanalytical Context of a User Interaction with a Digital Object: Interface’s Affordances

[Schizoanaliticheskii kontekst vzaimodeistviia pol’zovatelia s tsifrovym ob’ektom: affordansy interfeisa]

pp.  11–25

We’ll Build a Smart City: Digital Control over Children’s Mobility in Post-Soviet Cities

[Zdes’ budet gorod-smart: tsifrovoi kontrol’ detskikh peremeshchenii v postsovetskom gorode]

pp. 26–39

Humour and Biopolitics: RuNet Memes during the Pandemic

[Yumor i biopolitika: memy Runeta v razgar pandemii]

pp. 40–60

Development of Skills in E-Sports as the Production of a Hybrid Subject

[Razvitie navykov v kibersporte kak proizvodstvo gibridnogo sub’ekta]

pp. 61–78


Ethnos Post-Mortem: Soviet Theories of Ethnos in Present Day RussianLanguage Discourses

[Etnos post-mortem: sovetskie teorii etnosa v sovremennom russkoiazychnom diskurse]

pp. 79–101

Ethnos Post-Mortem: Thoughts and Comments

[Etnos post-mortem: razmyshleniia i kommentarii]

pp. 102–131

Research Articles

A Lexicostatistical Classification of Afrasian Languages: New Approaches

[Leksikostatisticheskaia klassifikatsiia afraziiskikh yazykov: novye podkhody]

pp. 132–159

Human Neutral Face Bears an Imprint of Emotionality

[Neitral’noe litso cheloveka neset otpechatok ego emotsional’nosti]

pp. 160–177

On “Guanahatabeys”, “Siboneys”, and “Indians”: The Aborigines of Cuba in the 16th – First Half of the 17th Century

[“Guanakhatabei”, “sibonei”, “indeitsy”: aborigeny Kuby v XVI – pervoi polovine XVII v.]

pp. 178–195

Memorative Landscape of a Small City: Configurations and Layers

[Memorativnyi landshaft malogo goroda: konfiguratsii i sloi]

pp. 196–212

Social Logistics: Private Entrepreneurs and Food Supplies to the “Far Reaches” of the Russian Arctic

[Sotsial’naia logistika: chastnye predprinimateli i postavki produktov na “severnye okrainy”]

pp. 213–232

Book Reviews and Critiques

The “American Dream” of Russian Immigrants and Its Adaptation to the Current American Reality [“Amerikanskaia mechta” rossiiskoi еmigratsii i ee adaptatsiia k sovremennoi amerikanskoi real’nosti]: A Review of Russkie amerikantsy: Poisk novykh identichnostei [Russian Americans: Search for New Identities], by N.V. Shalygina

pp. 233–237

The Condition of Youth in Finno-Ugric Republics [Polozhenie molodezhi v finno-ugorskikh respublikakh]: A Review of Molodezh’ v politicheskom i kul’turnom prostranstve respublik s finno-ugorskim naseleniem: pozitsii, nastroeniia, riski: monografiia [Youth in the Political and Cultural Space of the Republics with FinnoUgric Population: Positions, Sentiments, Risks], by Y.P. Shabaev, V.N. Birin, et al.

pp. 238–242