Number 1, 2023

Special Theme of the Issue

Traumatic Memory: Between Grief over Losses and Radicalism

(guest editors E.-B.M. Guchinova, V.А. Shnirelman)

Social Trauma and Specifics of Memory

[Sotsial’naia travma i osobennosti pamiati]

pp. 5–10

The Traumatic Experience of Ostarbeiters and Ways of Overcoming It in Soviet and Post-Soviet Memorial Culture

[Travmaticheskii opyt ostarbaiterov i sposoby ego preodoleniia v sovetskoi i postsovetskoi kul’ture pamiati

pp. 11–29

The Memory of the Deportation of Kalmyks of “Generation 1.5”: Narrative Construction

[Pamiat’ o deportatsii kalmykov “pokoleniia 1,5”: konstruirovanie narrativa]

pp. 30–44

Valaam Memory Breaks: Valaam’s Memorial Community in Search of the Lost Island

[Razlomy valaamskoi pamiati: memorial’noe soobshchestvo Valaama v poiskakh utrachennogo ostrova]

pp. 45–66

The “Medals not to be Proud of…”: Memory of the Caucasian War in Social Media

[“Medali, kotorymi nel’zia gordit’sia…”: pamiat’ o Kavkazskoi voine v sotsial’nykh setiakh]

pp. 67–83

Traumatic Memory and the Cossack Revival

[Travmaticheskaia pamiat’ i vozrozhdenie kazachestva]

pp. 84–101

Migration Studies

Motherhood in Migration: Strategies of Migrant Women from Central Asia

[Materinstvo v migratsii: strategii, vybiraemye zhenshchinami-migrantkami iz stran Srednei Azii]

pp. 102–122

Formation of the “Chinese” Segment among the Uyghurs of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Adaptation of Immigrants from China to the USSR in the 1950–1960s

[Formirovanie “kitaiskogo” segmenta uigurckoi obshchiny Kazakhstana v kontekste adaptatsii pereselentsev iz Kitaia v SSSR v 1950–1960-e gody]

pp. 123–140

History of the Discipline

On “Ethnic Migrants” and the Beginning of Their Ethnographic Study in Central Europe

[“Etnicheskie migranty” i nachalo ikh etnograficheskogo izucheniia v Tsentral’noi Evrope]

pp. 141–157

Rudolf Virchow and Epidemiological Well-Being as an Anthropoecological Concept

[Rudol’f Virkhov i epidemiologicheskoe blagopoluchie kak antropoekologicheskoe poniatie]

pp. 158–174

Research Articles

Tourism in Archaeological Sites of the Trans-Urals Region: Rethinking the Landscape Status and Heritage Regimes

[Turizm na arkheologicheskikh mestakh srednego Zaural’ia: pereosmyslenie statusa landshafta i rezhimy naslediia]

pp. 175–198

Reproduction of the Titular Languages of the Volga and Urals Republics: Integrity of Individual and Collective Practices

[Vosproizvodstvo titul’nykh yazykov respublik Povolzh’ia i Priural’ia: edinstvo individual’nykh i kollektivnykh praktik]

pp. 199–216

Don Cossacks-Doukhobors in the Arkhangelsk Exile

[Donskie kazakidukhobortsy v arkhangel’skoi ssylke]

pp. 217–237

Book Reviews and Critiques

Political Cuisine as a Phenomenon and Object of Interdisciplinary Study [Politicheskaia kukhnia kak fenomen i ob’ekt mul’tidistsiplinarnogo izucheniia]: A Review of Cucina politica. Il linguaggio del cibo fra pratiche sociali e rappresentazioni ideologiche, edited by M. Montanari

pp. 238–242