Number 4, 2022

Migration Studies

Russian Roulette for Migrants: Creation of Uncertainty and the Pragmatics of Fatalism

[Russkaia ruletka dlia migrantov: proizvodstvo neopredelennosti i pragmatika fatalizma]

pp. 5–25

Migrants in the Russian Labor Market: An Assessment of Starting Opportunities

[Migranty na rossiiskom rynke truda: otsenka startovykh voz mozhnostei]

pp. 26–43

The House of Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Germany: People and Things

[Dom russkoiazychnykh pereselentsev v Germanii: liudi i veshchi]

pp. 44–65

Anthropology of Extractivism

Kautokeino vs. Mine: Why Did Not an Industrial Company Receive a Social License?

[Kautokeino protiv rudnika: pochemu promyshlennaia kompaniia ne poluchila sotsial’nuiu litsenziiu?]

pp. 66–85

Mammoth Tusk, Society, and the State: Informal Practices of Natural Resource Use in the North-East of Russia and Their Social and Economic Impact

[Mamontovaia kost’, obshchestvo i gosudarstvo: neformal’nye praktiki prirodopol’zovaniia na Severo-Vostoke Rossii i ikh sotsial’noekonomicheskii effekt]

pp. 86–108

History of the Discipline

Research on Community Institutions in Contemporary Latin American Studies

[Izuchenie obshchinnykh institutov v sovremennoi latinoamerikanistike]

pp. 109–127

German Ethnological Tradition in Studies of Japan: Erwin von Baelz as Anthropologist and Ethnologist

[Nemetskaia etnologicheskaia traditsiia v izuchenii Yaponii: Ervin fon Bel’ts kak antropolog i etnolog]

pp. 128–143

At the Origins of Linguistic Anthropology: Franz Boas

[U istokov lingvisticheskoi antropologii: Frants Boas]

pp. 144–161

On Alternating Sounds

[O chereduiushchikhsia zvukakh]

pp. 162–166

Memory Studies

The Construction of the Tatar Identity and Ethnic Survival of the Astrakhan Turkmen

[Konstruirovanie tatarskoi identichnosti i vosproizvodstvo etnichnosti u astrakhanskikh turkmen]

pp. 167–191

Ethnic and Religious Factors in the Russian Census as Local Muslims of the Moscow Region Understand Them

[Etnicheskii i religioznyi faktory Vserossiiskoi perepisi naseleniia v ponimanii mestnykh musul’man Moskovskoi oblasti]

pp. 192–208

Risky Behavior as an Adaptive Strategy of Men, Their Morphophysiological Profiles and Relationship with Reproductive Success in Modern Society

[Riskovannoe povedenie kak adaptivnaia strategiia muzhchin, ikh morfofiziologicheskie profili i sviaz’ s reproduktivnym uspekhom v sovremennom obshchestve]

pp. 209–227

Book Reviews and Critiques

Reclaiming Europe [Vernut’ Evropu]: A Review of Vkus Evropy. Antropologicheskoe issledovanie kul’tury pitaniia[The Taste of Europe: Anthropological Research on Food Culture], edited by O.D. Fais-Leutskaia and M.Yu. Martynova

pp. 228–232

On the Food Culture of the Peoples of Europe [O kul’ture pitaniia narodov Evropy]: A Review of Vkus Evropy. Antropologicheskoe issledovanie kul’tury pitaniia [The Taste of Europe: Anthropological Research on Food Culture], edited by O.D. Fais-Leutskaia and M.Yu. Martynova

pp. 233–237

Russian Field Studies of the Everyday Life of Cubans in the First Half of the 1980s [Rossiiskie polevyie issledovania byta kubintsev pervoi poloviny 1980-kh godov]: A Review of Kubinskie polevyie tetradi (1980–1985). Chast I [Сuban Field Notebooks (1980–1985). Part 1], by E.G. Aleksandrenkov

pp. 238–242