Number 1, 1982

The Second Congress of the International Society for European Ethnology and Folklore

pp. 3-7

Processes in the Introduction of Innovations into an Ethnos’s Culture and their Underlying Regularities

pp. 8-21

Ornitomorphic Symbolism among the Eastern Slavs

pp. 22-34

Certain Problems in the Study of Proto-Indian Texts

pp. 35-45

Ethnopolitical Problems of Present-Day Zanzibar (the Ethnos of the Island Swahilis in the 1960ies and 1970ies)

pp. 46-55


Discussion on the paper by V. A. Popov

Linguistic Data in Prehistorical Reconstructions

pp. 56-59

To the Problem of Age Classes in Connexion with V. A. Popov’s Paper

pp. 59-62

Sex-and-Age Organization

pp. 63-68

Sex-and-Age Stratification and certain Problems in Ethnosociological Reconstructions of Pre-Class Society (in Place of a Reply to Opponents)

pp. 68-78

Editorial Comment

pp. 78-79


To the Problem of Studying Ethnic Self-Awareness among Children and Young People (on Materials from Kiev and Trans-Car- pathia Regions)

pp. 80-88

The Traditional and the Modern Wedding among the Rural Population of Stavropol Region

pp. 89-100

The Distinguishing Artistic Characteristics of Russian Folk Embroidery with Geometric Decorative Patterns (19th and 20th Centuries)

pp. 101-112

Seasonal Temporary Settlements and Hunting-and- Fishing Cabins (Promyslovye Izby) in the Russian North (Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries)

pp. 113-120

Wood Carving in Khorezm

pp. 121-128

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

Relics of Ancient Beliefs and Rituals


pp. 129-132

A Peculiar Funeral Repast

pp. 132-136

A Rare Survival from Olden Times

pp. 137-142

Academic Life

The First Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences

pp. 143-146

The Third All-Union Turkological Conference

pp. 147-152

The Third Maclay Readings

pp. 152-155

«Local Traditions of Material and Spiritual Culture in Karelia», a Conference

pp. 155-158

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 158-159

Criticism ang Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

On a New Stage in the Study of Adyglie Culture History

pp. 160-163

Peoples of the USSR

M. N. Guboglo. The Evolution of Bilingualism in the Moldavian SSR

pp. 163-165

The Economy of the Kazakhs at the Turn of the 20th Century. Materials for a Historical-Ethnographic Atlas

pp. 165-168

A. Viires. Talurahva veovahendid. Baltimaade rahvapäraste põllumajanduslike veokite ajalugu

pp. 168-172

Peoples of Europe outside the USSR

Ukrainian Folk Tales of Western Slovakia, t. 6, 7

pp. 172-174