Number 6, 1995

To the 50-th Anniversary of the Victory: history, memories, view

Paying the Debts. Part III. Institute of Ethnogaphy of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Great Patriotic War

pp. 3-17

Theory and Methodology

Humanity’s Evolution and Anthropology’s Future

pp. 18-30

From Decline to Renaissance (German Folkskunde after World War II: Problems of theory)

pp. 31-49

Ethnos and Culture

Patronal Festivals of the Northern Vepsians: Traditions and Present State

pp. 50-67

The Surma of Ethiopia (in the Wake of an Ethnographic Field Trip)

pp. 67-80

Going Back to the Pazyryk Harp

pp. 80-92

Ethnicity, Society, State

Tuva and Russia

pp. 93-102

Creolization and Interethnic Integration in Poly-ethnic Countries of the Caribbean

pp. 102-110

Dreams about the «Great Chuvashia»

pp. 111-118

Ethnic Minorities

Past and Present of the German tradition Evangelical-Lutheran community in Moscow: (ethno-sociological profile)

pp. 119-130

Applied Ethnology

«Fundamentals of the Legal Status of the Aboriginal Peoples of the North». Discussion of the Draft Law of the Russian Rederation

pp. 131-136

Three Trends in the Nationalities Policy of Post-Communist Russia

pp. 137-144

History of the Science

Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp is a Hundred Years Old

pp. 145-156

Congresses and Conferences

«The Russian Question»: History and Present State

pp. 157-159

Conference «Interethnic Conflicts in the Caucasus: Techniques for their Resolution»

pp. 160-163

To the 100th Anniversary of N. I. Lebedeva’s Birthday: «Ethnography and Folklore of the Ryazan Region» (First Lebedeva Readings)

pp. 163-168


Н.В. Jonsson. Bild och fromhetsliv i 1800-talets Sverige

pp. 169-171

International Dictionary of Anthropologists

pp. 171-172

Readers' Letters

Letter to the Editorial Board

pp. 173-175