Number 4, 2006

Special Theme of the Issue

Gender in Sociocultural Practices

(guest editor: I.A. Morozov)

Gender Roles in Subcultures

pp. 3-7

“St. Petersburg Khlyshch” as a Model of Male Behaviour

pp. 8-13

The Metrosexual: A Lifestyle, Self-Realization Form, and Identity of a Man in a Postindustrial Society

pp. 14-22

Liubertsy Youth Street Gangs of the 1980s: A Subculture at the Crossroads of History

pp. 23-38

Women Scholars in Post-Soviet Russian Folklore

pp. 39-58

Gender, “Culture”, and Northern Spaces

pp. 59-68

Game Communities: The Gender Aspect

pp. 69-84


Women’s Everyday as a Subject of the History of Everyday Life

pp. 85-97

Social Mechanisms for the Preservation of Traditional Values (a Case Study of an Old-Believers Community in Miass, Cheliabinsk Region)

pp. 98-108

Joking Relationships in Traditional Societies: An Ethnological-Psychological Analysis

pp. 109-125

The Veps Folk Classification of the Animal World: A Study in Reconstruction

pp. 126-139

The Sound World of the Kalmyk Traditional Culture

pp. 140-153

The Origin and Development of State-Religious Ideology in Early Turkic Khaganates

pp. 154-162

Reviews and Surveys

Old and New Problems of Ethnographic Studies of Latin America

pp. 163-178

Review of Musul’ manskie predstaviteli v rossiiskom Parlamente, 1906-1916 (Muslim Representatives in the Russian Parliament, 1906-1916), by D.M. Usmanova. Kazan, 2005

pp. 179-181

Review of Osnovaniia gumanisticheskoi etnologii (The Foundations of Humanistic Ethnology), by B.K. Bgazhnokov. Moscow, 2003

pp. 181-184

Review of Reindeer People: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia, by P. Vitebsky. London, 2005

pp. 184-188

Review of Intellektual’nye labirinty: Ocherki ideologii v sovremennoi Rossii (Intellectual Labyrinths: Essays on Ideologies in сontemporary Russia), by V. Shnirelman. Moscow, 2004

pp. 188-191

On the Journal's Website

pp. 192