Number 1, 2007

Special Theme of the Issue

Theoretical Issues in Research on Shamanism

(guest editor: V.l. Kharitonova)

An Introduction: Shamanic Studies Is not Only Ethnology

pp. 3-5

To Do Away With “Trance” and “Ecstasy” in Research on Shamanism

pp. 6-18

Ecstasy or Possession? Differences in Shamans’ Experiences in Siberia and Central Asia

pp. 19-31

Possession as a Diagnosis and as a Therapeutic Technique in Central Nepal (a Case Study)

pp. 32-45

Psychological Research Methods and Anomalous Shamanic Experiences and Reports

pp. 46-55

Studying the Phenomenon or Supporting a Theory?

pp. 56-69

Theoretical Issues

The Origin of Death Is the Most Ancient Myth

pp. 70-89

Anthropology and Sociology of Advertising

Who Goes to Pick “Klinskoe”?

pp. 90-95

The Child’s Image in Russian TV Commercials: Specificities in Attitudes of Jerusalem and Moscow Viewers

pp. 95-119

Names of Russian Business Objects from the Viewpoint of Language Fashion

pp. 120-131

From the History of Trademarks in Russia

pp. 132-136


Imperial Society of Amateurs of Natural Science, Anthropology, and Ethnography, and the Destiny of Its Archive

pp. 137-141


On Buddha Maytreya, Spirits, and Shambala

pp. 142-154

In Memory of a Scholar

Yulia Vladimirovna Ivanova: Life Devoted to the Balkans (In Memory of a Teacher, Colleague, and Friend)

pp. 155-171


Review of Rossiia v Kalifornii: Russkie dokumenty о kolonii Ross i rossiisko-kaliforniiskikh sviaziakh 1803-1850 (Russia in California: Russian Documents on the Ross Colony and Russian-Californian Relations, 1803-1850), ed. by A.A. Istomin, J.R. Gibson, V.A. Tishkov. Tom 1. Moscow, 2005

pp. 172-178

Review of Traditsionnyi vostochnoslavianskii fol’klor na Yuge Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii (vtoraia polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.): adaptatsionnyi aspect (East-Slavic Traditionul Folklore in the South of the Russian Far East [Second Half of the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries]: An Adaptation Aspect), by L.E. Fetisova, G.G. Ermak, M.B. Serdiuk. Vladivostok, 2004

pp. 179-184

Review of Monastyri Kavkazskoi eparkhii i ikh roi’ v kul 1 turnom razvitii Severnogo Kavkaza (Monasteries of the Caucasus Eparchy and Their Role in the Cultural Development of the Northern Caucasus), by S.A. Razdol’skii. Rostov na Donu, Maikop, 2007

pp. 185-187

Review of Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination, by B. Anderson. London, New York, 2005

pp. 188-190

On the Journal's Website

pp. 192