Number 3, 2006

Special Theme of the Issue

Gumilev's Lessons: Brilliance and Poverty of the Ethnogenesis Theory

(guest editor: V.A. Shnirelman)


pp. 3-7

Lev Gumilev: From the “Passionary Tension” to the “Incompatibility of Cultures”

pp. 8-21

Toward a Critique of L.N. Gumilev’s Concepts

pp. 22-35

Lev Gumilev’s Ethnos Theory and Doctrines of “New Rightists” in the West

pp. 36-43

Gumilev’s Ideas and Contemporary Russian Geopolitics

pp. 44-53

Discussion of the Issue: The Origins of the Ethnos Theory: S.M. Shirokogorov and Others

(guest editor: A.M. Kuznetsov)

An Introduction to the Discussion

pp. 54-56

S.M. Shirokogorov’s Ethnos Theory

pp. 57-71

Soviet “Theory” of Ethnos and Its South African Parallel

pp. 72-85

S. Shirokogorov: At the Roots of Social-Biological Interpretation of Ethnos

pp. 86-93


pp. 94-95

pp. 96-98

pp. 99-101

pp. 102-103

Rabbit’s Thoughts at Fox’s Grave

pp. 104-106

Once Again on the Published (On the Discussion in No 2, 2005)

Once Again on the Problems of Ethnology in Uzbekistan

pp. 107-126


Khan Power among the Kazakh: A Title and/or an Office

pp. 127-148

History of the Discipline

Remembering V.N. Chemetsov (Toward the Hundredth Anniversary, March 17, 1905 – March 29,1970)

pp. 149-157

In Memory of a Scholar

In Memory of Yuri Israelovich Mkrtumian

pp. 158-166

On the Journal's Website

pp. 166

Reviews and Surveys

Ethnicity and Social Work: An Analysis of Textbooks

pp. 167-178

Review of Byt’ Hi chuvstvovat’? Osnovnye aspekty formirovaniia evreiskoi samoidentifikatsii и potomkov smeshannykh brakov v sovremennoi Rossii (To Be or To Feel? Main Aspects of the Shaping of Jewish Identity among the Mixed Marriage Descendants in Contemporary Russia), by E. Nosenko. Moscow, 2004

pp. 179-181

Review of Russkie v SShA: Istoriia isud’by, 1870-1970. Etnoistoricheskii ocherk (Russians in the USA: History and Destinies, 1870-1970. Ethnohistorical Study), by E.L. Nitoburg. Moscow, 2005

pp. 181-185

Review of К istorii khristianstva v Khakasii (On the History of Christianity in Khakasia), by V.l. Gladyshevskii. Abakan, 2004

pp. 185-188

Review of Krug igry: prazdnik i igra v zhizni severnorusskogo krest’ianina, XIX-XX veka (The Game Circle: Holiday and Game in the Life of a Northern Russian Peasant in the 19th-20th Centuries), by I.A. Morozov and I.S. Sleptsova. Moscow, 2004

pp. 188-191