Number 5, 2013

Special Theme of the Issue

Traditional Fishing in the South of Russia (History, Ethnography, Ethnic Ecology)

(guest editors - A.N. Yamskov, T.Y. Vlaskina)

Fishing Communities and Traditional Fishing in the Cossack South of Russia

pp. 3-13

The Fishing Industry of the Population of Sarepta and Cherno- yarskii District, Astrakhan Province

pp. 14-21

The Fishing Trade among the Cossacks of the Volga Host

pp. 21-28

On the Role of Fishing among the Greben Cossacks in the Pre-Revolutionary Period

pp. 28-36

Natural and Social Dominants in the Shaping of Ethnographic Distinctiveness of the Don Estuary Fishermen (18th—21st Centuries)

pp. 36-53

Boundaries of the Caucasus: A Discussion

Remarks on the Principles of Defining Regions in Geography and Anthropology

pp. 54-60

What Territory Does the Caucasus Encompass?

pp. 61-66

On the Caucasus and Its Boundaries

pp. 66-76

Where Does the Caucasus End and the Truth Begin?

pp. 77-80

Studies in Traditional Culture

Midwife Day in Traditions of the Azov Area Albanians: At the Breakpoint of Spatial and Temporal Codes

pp. 81-97

Marriage Rites of the Greben Cossacks (Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries)

pp. 98-114

On the Issue of Origins of Russian Traditional Dress with Shoulder Straps

pp. 114-122

Articles and Materials

Samuel Feijoo as a Scholar of Cuban Folklore

pp. 123-133

Moscow’s Eastern Medicine Clinics and Centers on the Internet: A Comparative Analysis

pp. 134-140

“Rays of Hope in the Kingdom of Darkness”: Social Dividends of Migrants in Gender Perspective

pp. 140-153

Iranian Elements in the Demonology of Mountain Jews

pp. 154-162

The Turko-Tatar Vector of Russian Ethnology (Toward the 25th Anniversary of the Ethnology Department of the Mardjani Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences)

pp. 162-178


Review of Filosofiia dobroi sily: Zhizn ‘ i tvorchestvo Dobroslava (A.A. Dobrovol skogo) [The Philosophy of the Good Force: Life and Work of Dobroslav (A.A. Dobrovol’skii)], by R.Vt Shizhenskii. Penza, 2012

pp. 179-183

Review of Pilipinas muna! Filippinv prezhde vsego: k 80-letiiu Gennadiia Yevgenievicha Rachkova (Pilipinas muna! Philippines Above All: For the 80th Anniversary of Gennadii Yevgenievich Rachkov). St. Petersburg, 2011

pp. 184-186

Review of Etiket narodov Vostoka: normativnaia traditsiia, ritual, obychai (The Etiquette of Peoples of the East: Normative Tradition, Ritual, Customs). Moscow, 2011

pp. 189-191

Review of lbos C. Qui gardera nos enfants? Les nounous et les meres: une enquette de Caroline Ibos. Paris, 2012

pp. 189-191