Number 2, 2013

Special Theme of the Issue

Modern Traditions in the Culture of Peoples of the North

(guest editor D.A. Funk)


pp. 3-5

Mobile Phones for Mobile Cattle Breeders of the North: A Revolution in the Tundra?

pp. 6-23

Television and the Problems of Interpreting Cultural Phenomena among the Vasyugan Khanty

pp. 24-36

Contemporary Beliefs of Northern Wild Deer Hunters (the Case of Chirinda Evenki)

pp.  37-52

A Mourning Rite of Asian Eskimos and the Contemporary Ritual Space of Novoye Chaplino and Sireniki

pp. 53-69

What Language Do the Real Evenkis Speak? Discussions around the Nomad Kindergarten

pp. 70-91

A Survey of the Present State of Epic Tradition among the Shors (Particular Materials and General Problems)

pp. 91-108

Sociocultural Analysis of the Winter 2011–2012 Protest Movements

The 2011–2012 Winter Confrontation: Two Tactics of Mobilization and Self- Representation

pp. 109-125

New Solidarities on the Internet: From Discussion to Action (the Case of the Movement “For Honest Elections”)

pp. 125-137

Ethnography of Food

The New Nutrition Culture among the Urban Tatar (Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries)

pp. 138-149

The Culinary Heritage of Bretons of France: Traditions and Symbols

pp. 149-167

Research and Materials

The Attitude toward Interethnic Marriages in the Present Day Kalmykia

pp. 168-176

An Ethnic-Social Portrait of the Setos of Pechorskii District, Pskov Region (through Case Studies of 1999–2011)

pp. 177-187

Sabres from Random Amur Sites in the Context of the Ammunition Complex of 17th Century Amur Area Tribes: An Attempt at Attribution

pp. 188-197

Reviews and Surveys

On the Present State of African Anthropology

pp. 198-206

Review of Vostok Rossii: migratsii i diaspory v pereselencheskom obshchestve: Rubezhi XIX–XX i XX–XXI vekov (The East of Russia: Migrations and Diasporas in the Resettlement Society: The XIX– XX and XX–XXI Centuries Eves). Irkutsk, 2011

pp. 206-209

Review of Dinamika i napravlennost’ sotsial’nykh protsessov na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii (pervaia chetvert’ XX veka) (Dynamics and Trends of Social Processes in the European North of Russia [the 1st Quarter of the 20th Century]), by T.I. Troshina. Arkhangelsk, 2011

pp. 209-214

Review of Etnografiheskie aspekty izuchenia lichnosti “znaiushchego” (XIX – nachalo XXI v.) (Ethnographic Aspects of Studying the Personality of the “Connoisseur” [19th – Early 21st Centuries]), by N.E. Mazalova. St. Petersburg, 2011

pp. 215-218

Review of Sem’ia i semeinyi byt sovremennogo Kharbina (The Family and Everyday Life of the Contemporary Harbin), by E.A. Belaia. Vladivostok, 2011

pp. 219-220

In Memoriam

Tatiana Sergeevna Balueva

pp. 221


pp. 223