Number 5, 1993

Reflections on the Development of Ethnological Knowledge

Crede Experto (Ethnology in Russia: Present Day and Future)

pp. 3-11

The 20th Century: Ethnicity, Society, Policy

Strategy and Mechanism of Nationality Policy in the Russian Federation

pp. 12-34

Secret Police as a Secret Society: Fear and Belief in the USSR

pp. 35-42

Discovery of America: to the 500th Anniversary

Manioc and Casabe

pp. 43-55

From Indian Boihio to the Traditional Cuban Dwelling

pp. 56-70

«Shipmate» (New Materials)

pp. 70-72

Eyak Indians during the Period of Russian America

pp. 73-83

To the History of Ethnic Relations in Nicaragua

pp. 83-94

Ethnology: Ways of Development

Silence in the Darkness (An Essay on German Ethnology during the National Socialist Period)

pp. 95-102

Volkerkunde and Fascism in Germany. A Failure of the Science

pp. 102-115

Portrait of Scholars

Ethnological Problems in the Works of P. G. Bogatyrev (To His Centenary)

pp. 116-126

Letters of P. G. Bogatyrev to D. K. Zelenin (Publication, Preface and Comments by A. M. Reshetov)

pp. 126-132


Talks (Part 5)

pp. 133-142

Thesis Disputes

Theses Defended in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAN in 1992

pp. 143-149


«Shamanism as a Religion: Genesis, Reconstruction, Traditions»

pp. 150-157


To the Discussion of «Africanisms» in the Religion of Afro-Americans

pp. 158-163

V. A. Shnirelman. War and Peace in Traditional Societes (By Data of Western Publications)

pp. 163-164

The World of Korean Folk Tales

pp. 164-168

J. Мalauгiе. Ultima Thule

pp. 168-169


L. A. Fainberg

pp. 170-172


A Letter to Editorial Board

pp. 173