Number 2, 1993

Reflections on the Development of Ethnological Knowledge

Ethnographic Research: Ideals and Reality (Part 1)

pp. 3-13

The 20th Century: Ethnicity, Society, State

Kalmykhia and Kalmykhs in Post-Perestroyka Period (Analysis of the Republican Press from September, 1991 till November, 1992)

pp. 14-28

Australian Multiculturalism: Experience of Ethnic Policy

pp. 28-44

Social Responsibility of Scientist

Publish and Perish (Nationalism and Social Research in Sri Lanka)

pp. 45-56

Ethnological Theory

From Primordial to Class Society: Ways and Variants of Development (Part 2)

pp. 57-74

Beliefs and Practices

«Cult of Ongons» or «Effectiveness of Symbols»? (To the Interpretation of Magic Healing among Abkhazians)

pp. 75-88

Soul in the Beliefs of Ma People and Their Neighbours (Plato Teynguen, South Viethnam)

pp. 88-97

Garil: the Sacrifice to the Ancestors in the Cult Chinggis Khaan

pp. 97-102

Festival Procession in Belanville Monastery and New Meeting with Demon Gara-Yaka

pp. 103-112

Ethnology: Ways of Development

The Fall of Soviet Ethnography: 1928—1938

pp. 113-125

Anthropology Abroad

Anthropology in Germany: Multiple Choice

pp. 126-128

In the Eyes of Ethnologist

Dreams about Japan

pp. 129-148


Talks (Part 2)

pp. 149-155

Conferences, Symposiums

Calendar for 1993

pp. 156

Russian Ethnology: a New Approach (Session on Field Research, Grozny, 5—8 October, 1992)

pp. 156-159

Minorities in the Former USSR: Status and Rights

pp. 160-162


What Do We Know about Modes of Social Organization in Polinesia?

pp. 163-174

S. Lisitsyan. Armenians of Nagorny Karabakh. Ethnographic Review

pp. 174

School Everyday Life and Folklore. Parts 1, 2

pp. 175