Number 6, 1992

Reflections on the Development of Ethnological Knowledge

Quo Vadis?

pp. 3-17

The 20th Century: Ethnicity, Society, Polity

The Formation of Russian Diaspora after 1945

pp. 18-30

Ethnological Theory

The Anarchy and Collectivism of the «Primilive Other»: Marx and Sahlins in the Amazon

pp. 31-46

Will the Argument Bear the Truth?

Comments on Z. P. Sokolova’s ‘Endogamy and Ethnos» (« Ethnograficheskoe Obozrenie», № 3, 1992)

pp. 47-61

To my Opponents

pp. 61-72

Genetic Relationship, Borrowing or Coincidence?

Dionisus and Ta-no Kami. Typological Analysis

pp. 73-90

The Hero’s Five Relationships

pp. 90-103

«The Snake is Swollen from Horse Sweat» (Allai Version of One Russian Bylina)

pp. 103-109

History of Thought

Russian Islam. Thoughts, Notes, Observations

pp. 110-116

Ismail Bey Gasprinski (Gaspraly) and the Origins of the Jadid Movement in Russia

pp. 116-124

About Alexandre Bennigsen

pp. 124-126

Congresses, Conferences, Symposiums

Debates on Ethnological Scries in Many Volumes (from «Peoples of the Soviet Union» to «Peoples and Cultures»)

pp. 127-135

Industrial Tendencies of the Modern Epoch and Social Sciences in Educational System

pp. 135-140

In International Committee on European Food History

pp. 140-141


C. Ceertz. Works and Lives: the Anthropologist as Author

pp. 142-145

A. Yu. Ruclnitsky. Different Life and Distant Shore. Russians in the History of Australia

pp. 145-147

V. A. Balashov: The Everyday Life of Mordva. Past and Present

pp. 147-149

V. A. Yurchenkov. Chronicle, or the Story about Mordva and Its History. V. Abramov. Following the Time (Historical Essays). S. Bakhmustov, V. Ijapiun. The Torn Necklace

pp. 149-151


M. K. Kudryavtsev

pp. 152-155

Index for 1992

pp. 156-159