Number 5, 2000

Theory and Methodology

On the Methodology of studying ethnic phenomena

pp. 3-17

Applied research in Western social/cultural anthropology

pp. 17-30

Ethnos and Culture

Culture of the Altaians – heir of the ancient civilization of the nomads of Central Asia

pp. 31-41

To the Centennial of Orthodoxy in Korea

pp. 42-56

Russian names in the context of the discovery of the Western world by Vietnam (as based on the works of Vietnamese authors of the 18th – early 20th centuries)

pp. 57-69

Ethnopedagogical aphorisms

pp. 70-78

Attack of the Green Magic. Intercultural processes in the shamanism of Shuar (Ecuadorian Amazon region)

pp. 79-87

The N.N. Miklouho-Maclay’s collections from the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography – MAE and its source- evaluation and attribution problems (as shown on the examples of a «drum» and a «bier to support for a corps» from the Mangareva Island)

pp. 88-105

Ethnos, Society, State

On the modern ethnic situation of the Dolgans

pp. 106-117

Origins of the present day’s culture and language situation in Kazakhstan

pp. 117-128

Culture associations of the ethnic minorities of the Buryat Republic

pp. 129-143

Russian Jews: confessional situation in the late 20th century

pp. 143-155

History of Science

From the diary of a student of the Caucasus. II. Ethnographical field work in the North Caucasus

pp. 156-172

Scientific Life

«Ryabinin’s memorial paper presentations-99»

pp. 173-178

«Problems of modem ethnography in Udmurtia» (Zelenin’s memorial paper presentations)

pp. 178-179

Exhibition «Glorious path. 50 Years of the Chinese People’s Republic»

pp. 179-180


M.A. Васильев. Язычество восточных славян накануне крещения Руси. Религиозно-мифологическое взаимодействие с иранским миром. Языческая реформа князя Владимира. М., 1999 (M.A. Vasiliev. Eastern slavs’ Heathenism on the eve of the Baptism of Rus: Religious-mythological interaction with the Iranian world. The heathen reform of Prince Vladimir. Moscow, 1999)

pp. 181-183

J.J. Masing. The coming of the Gods. An Iban Invocatory Chant (Timang Gawai Amat) of the Baleh River Region, Sarawak. Canberra, V. 1, V.2. 1997

pp. 184-186


List of main works of N.M. Girenko

pp. 187-188

List of main works of B.N. Komissarov

pp. 189-191