Number 3, 1981

The 26th Congress of the C. P. S. U and the Tasks before Soviet Ethnography

pp. 3-11

Inter-Ethnic Relations and Ethnocultural Processes (on the Base of Materials of Soviet Ethno-Sociological Studies)

pp. 11-22

To the Ethnographical Study of the City

pp. 23-34

Personality as a Historico-Ethnic Category

pp. 35-44


Discussion on E. S. Markarian's Paper «Key Problems of the Theory of Cultural Tradition»

Problems of the Theory of Tradition as Seen by an Ethnographer

pp. 45-46

The Concept of «Memory» as the Conceptual Basis for Organizing Inter-Disciplinary Research into the Concept of «Cultural Tradition»

pp. 46-48

Tradition as a Specific Mode of Social Succession

pp. 48-49

Tradition and the «Regulation» of Cultural Continuity

pp. 51-53

Traditions: a Means of Developing People’s Capacity for the Simple Reproduction of Social Life

pp. 53-54

Tradition as a Dialogue of Cultures

pp. 54-56

Traditions and Cultural Continuity

pp. 56-59

On the Significance of the Inter-Disciplinary Discussion on the Problems of Cultural Tradition

pp. 59-71

Editorial Comment

pp. 71-78

From the History of Science

A Life Devoted to Song (to the 100th Birth Anniversary K. V. Kvitka)

pp. 79-89


The Natural Environment and Ethnic-Cultural Contacts in Daghestan

pp. 90-99

The Traditional Wedding Ritual in the Modern Life of Byelorussians in Latgalia

pp. 99-113

The Folklore of Latvian Gipsies (Its Predominating Genres and Its Subject-Matter)

pp. 113-123

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

Old Time Folk Musical Instruments

pp. 124-129


The Activity of the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Ethnography in 1980

pp. 130-139

Academic Life

On a New Academic Publication of the Works of N. N. Miklukho-Maclay

pp. 140-144

An Exhibition of «Traditional Folk Art in SouthEastern Asia»

pp. 144-149

Expeditions in brief

pp. 149-150

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

The Middle-Asian Art of Embroidery (on the Book «Tajik Embroidery» by N. Isayeva-Yunusova)

pp. 151-158

General Ethnography

Ye. M. Meletinski. The Palaeoasiatic Mythological Epos. The Raven Cycle

pp. 158-161

Peoples of the USSR

Revolutionen i Norr. Om sovjetetnografi och minoritetspolitik

pp. 161-163

Ethnic and Cultural Processes in the Caucasus

pp. 163-166

S. Sh. Gadzhieva. Outline of the History of Family ad Marriage among the Noghays, 19th —Early 20th Centuries

pp. 166-170

G. V. Zhirnova. Marriage and Wedding among Russian Urban Dwellers in the Past and Present (on the Base of Materials from Cities of the Middle Zone of the R. S. F. S. R.)

pp. 170-172

Russian Siberian Folk Tales about the Bogatyrs (Epic Heroes)

pp. 172-175

Peoples of Europe outside the USSR

Е. Грозданова. Българската селска община през XV—XVIII век

pp. 175-179

Peoples of America

A.D. Tushingham, U.М. Franklin, Chr. Toogood et al. Studies in Ancient Peruvian Metalworking

pp. 179-182


Kustaa Gedeon Vilkuna (1902—1980)

pp. 183-187