Number 6, 1996

Theory and methodology

Considering the perspectives of a science

pp. 3-18

60 years of the Khorezm expedition

К 60-летию Хорезмской археолого-этнографической экспедиции

pp. 19-33

Musical archaeology of ancient and middle ages Central Asia: drum instruments

pp. 34-44

On the problem of forming of the craniological type of the ancient herd nomads of General Asia and Kazakhstan

pp. 45-52

Religion of ancient Khorezm: some results of researches

pp. 53-77

On the history of paranja

pp. 78-92

Ethnos and culture

Mother and child in ancient Russia (attitudes towards motherhood and child care in the X—XV centuries)

pp. 93-106

Jewish autumn festivals: their genesis, transformation, and functioning in today’s Israel

pp. 106-120

Ethnos, Society, State

The number of Turkic peasants in the Ufa region at the beginning of the XX century

pp. 121-131

History of Science

Irina Michkailovna Kolesnitzkaya

pp. 132-138


The Russian and the Great-Russian

pp. 139-147

Scientific life

Moscow the multinational: memorials of material and spiritual culture

pp. 148-150

VII International seminar «The Germans in Russia: Russian-German scientific and culture ties»

pp. 151-152


L. M. Ivleva. Ritual masquerade in Russian folk culture. St.- Petersburgh, 1994

pp. 153-154

N. S. Babaeva. Ancient funeral beliefes and rituals of the Mountain Tajiks of Southern Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 1993

pp. 154-157

V. I. Bushkov. The population of Northern Tajikistan: forming and settling. M., 1995

pp. 157-159

The culture of the peoples of Oceania and South-Eastern Asia. MAE. Vol. 46. St.-Petersburgh, 1995

pp. 159-161

Russian folklore. Annotated bibliographic guide. M., 1994

pp. 161-163


Major works of L. Th. Monogarova

pp. 164-165


Sh. D. lnal-Ipa

pp. 166-169

Major works of Sh. D. Inal-Ipa

pp. 169-170

Index for 1996

pp. 171-175