Number 4, 1999

Theory and Methodology

Nationalism and nation

pp. 3-17

Ethnos and Culture

Old and new interpretations of some family-marriage customs of the peoples of the Caucasus

pp. 18-27

Ethics and law in medieval Ossetia

pp. 27-36

Kamen’ Dyrovatiy (symbolics of cave sanctuaries and of cult bow shooting)

pp. 37-50

Grass potions and wonder roots… (mythological ideas concerning vegetable paraphernalia of medicine men)

pp. 51-62

Cook’s collection at the Kunstkamera of Peter the Great: myth and reality

pp. 62-75

On the origins of Tlingit cloaks from J. Cook’s collection

pp. 76-81

Ethnos, Society and the State

Formation of the Kazan khanate: ethnic and social aspects

pp. 82-94

Russian immigration in the U.S.A. as reflected in American statistics

pp. 94-107

Evangelical-Lutheran church of Ingria and its role in the life of the Finnish Ingermanlanders

pp. 107-116

From History of Science

The brown shadow over German ethnology

pp. 117-131

A historian of the Russian Far East (to the 80th anniversary of B.P. Polevoy)

pp. 131-137

Eight letters of V.Ya. Propp to G.A. Nosova

pp. 137-143

Conferences and Seminars

Eighth onomastics conference on the Volga area

pp. 144-149

Third conference on the ethnography of the Altai and adjacent territories

pp. 149-150

Ethnoarchaeological seminars in Ufa city and St. Petersburg

pp. 151-155


Этнические меньшинства в современной Европе. М., 1997

pp. 156-161

Воспоминания о М.К. Азадовском. Иркутск, 1996

pp. 161-163

А.Г. Селезнев. Барабинское татары: Истоки этноса и культуры. Новосибирск, 1994

pp. 163-165


List of major works by A.A. Zubov

pp. 166-170

List of major works by V.I. Kozlov

pp. 170-173

List of major works by M.Ya. Meltz

pp. 173-175