Number 1, 1999

Theory and Methodology Questions

Statistics as Ethnographic Study Instrument

pp. 3-16

Early Agricultural Culture Formation. «Productive Economy» Transition Mechanism

pp. 16-41

Shatsk Ethnodialectical Dictionary (Towards the Problem of Local Traditions Complex Study Methods)

pp. 41-66

Ethnos and Culture

Nganasan Modern Ethnocultural Process

pp. 67-79

New Materials on Olkhon Buryat Ethnography

pp. 79-87

Folk Tradition of Family-Related Groups

pp. 87-96

Gender Studies

Women in Indian Family

pp. 97-106

History of Sience

From History of Portugal Science of Peoples

pp. 107-120

Anthroponimical Studies

From the History of Georgian-Abkhazian Anthroponimy

pp. 121-125

Towards Baratashvily Genealogy

pp. 125-136

Science and Higher School

American Ethnography Teaching Experience

pp. 137-144

Scientific Life

International Congress «History of Arctic and Subarctic Region»

pp. 145-147

Gender is Force, Gender is Power!

pp. 147-151

Reviews and Surveys

Johannes Fabian. Remembering the Present: Painting and Popular History in Zaire. Berkley, 1996

pp. 152-156

Н.Ф. Мокшин. Религиозные верования мордвы. Саранск, 1999

pp. 156-159

Л.Н. Жукова. Одежда юкагиров. Учебное пособие. Якутск, 1996

pp. 160-161

А.И. Богданов. Описание Санктпетербурга. 1749-1751. СПб., 1997

pp. 162-165

Г.А. Леонтьева. Якутский казак Вл. Атласов. М., 1997

pp. 165-167


The List of Major Works of V.S. Zelenchuk

pp. 168-170

The List of Major Works of V.P. Kurylev

pp. 171-173


V.N. Basilov in Memoriam

pp. 174-182

M.G. Abdushelishvily in Memoriam

pp. 183-185

New Publications of IEA RAS

pp. 186-187