Number 1, 2020

Special Theme of the Issue

Anthropology of Cyberspace and Digital Technologies

(guest editor S.V. Sokolovskiy)

Cyborgs in Cyberspace: Contemporary Research in Cyber- and Digital Anthropology

[Kiborgi v kiberprostranstve: sovremennye issledovaniia v oblasti kiber- i tsifrovoi antropologii]

pp. 5-22

How Digital Technologies Are Transforming Social Sciences

[Kak tsifrovye tekhnologii transformiruiut sotsial’nye nauki]

pp. 23-33

The Digital “Space of Knowledge” and the Mobilization of Ethnicity: Reflecting on Digital Prospects of the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera

[Tsifrovoe “prostranstvo znaniia” i mobilizatsiia etnichnosti: razmyshlenie o tsifrovykh perspektivakh peterburgskoi Kunstkamery]

pp. 34-50

The Use of Narrative Analysis in Identity Research in Virtual Ethnography: Possibilities and Constraints

[Primenenie narrativnogo analiza k izucheniiu identichnostei v ramkakh virtual’noi etnografii: vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniia]

pp. 51-61

A Typology of Knowledge in Biohacking

[Tipologiia znaniia v biokhakinge]

pp. 62-79

Artificial Intelligence: Subject and Object

[Iskusstvennyi Intellekt: sub’ekt i ob’ekt]

pp. 80-94

Ethnography of Folk Beliefs

Juniper Crosses and the Magical Fork: Semantics and Ritual Practice

[Mozhzhevelovye kresty i magicheskaia razvilka: semantika i ritual’aia praktika]

pp. 95-113

Fair of Grace: The Material and Spiritual during the Votive Feast and Memorial Days

[Yarmarka blagodati: material’noe i dukhovnoe v obetnyi prazdnik i pominal’nye dni]

pp. 114-131

Mama Francisca: Ethnic-Cultural Memory in the Cuban Cult of Spiritual Dolls

[Mama Fransiska: etnokul’turnaia pamiat’ v kubinskom kul’te spiriticheskikh kukol]

pp. 132-152

Research Articles

Why Had Mestizos Disappeared in Cuba?

[Pochemu ischezli metisy na Kube?]

pp. 153-163

Areal Connections of Ancient Japanese Mythology

[Areal’nye sviazi drevnei yaponskoi mifologii]

pp.  164-179

The Spatial Planning Structure, Housing and Utility Complex of Settlements of the Onezhskoye Pomorye

[Prostranstvenno-planirovochnaia struktura i zhilishchno-khoziaistvennyi kompleks poselenii Onezhskogo Pomor’ia (na primere s. Vorzogory Onezhskogo r-na Arkhangel’skoi obl.)]

pp. 180-197


Review of Kody kommunikatsii s bogami (Mifologiia i ritual’naia plastika ainov)

[Codes of Communication with the Gods (Mythology and Ritual Plasticity of the Ainu)], by A.B. Ostrovskii and T.Yu. Sem

pp. 198-201

Review of Smoking Under the Tsars: A History of Tobacco in Imperial Russia, by Т. Starks

pp. 201-205

Review of Obratnaia storona Luny, ili chto my znaem ob invalidnosti: teoriia, representatsii, praktiki [The Other Side of the Moon, or What We Don’t Know about Disability: Theory, Representations, Practices], edited by A.S. Kurlenkova and E.E. Nosenko-Stein

pp. 205-208