Number 2, 2020

Special Theme of the Issue

Practices of Buddhist Pilgrimage in Russia

(guest editors E.-B. M. Guchinova and Ts. A. Darieva)

Exploring Contemporary Pilgrimage among the Mongolian Speaking Peoples of Russia

[Issleduia sovremennoe palomnichestvo sredi mongoloiazychnykh narodov Rossii]

pp. 5-12

Moscow as a Buddhist Paradise: A Buryat Delegation at the Coronation of Nicholas II

[Moskva kak buddiiskii rai: buriatskaia deputatsiia na koronatsii Nikolaia II]

pp. 13-31

With a Red Brush and Yellow Tie: On Specificities of the Kalmyk Pilgrimage

[S krasnoi kist’iu i zheltym galstukom: o spetsifike kalmytskogo palomnichestva]

pp. 32-46

Traditional and New Places of Religious Pilgrimage in Buryatia

[Traditsionnye i novye mesta religioznogo palomnichestva v Buriatii]]

pp. 47-60

Both Field and Pilgrimage… (an Interview)

[I pole, i palomnichestvo…(interv’iu)]

pp. 61-71


From Where is Russian Ethnology and Where is it Going? A Personal View in Global Perspective

[Otkuda i kuda prishla rossiiskaia etnologiia: personal’nyi vzgliad v global’noi perspektive]

pp. 72-92


Some Academic Reflection

[Nemnogo akademicheskoi refleksii]

pp. 93-101

The “Double Bind” of the Etnos: A Commentary on Academician V.A. Tishkov’s Article

[“Dvoinoe poslanie” etnosa: kommentarii k stat’ie akademika V.A. Tishkova]

pp. 101-106

The Irony of V.A. Tishkov’s Personal Views in a Global Perspective

[Ironiia personal’nykh vzgliadov V.A. Tishkova v global’noi perspektive]

pp. 106-108

On Tension and Movement

[O napriazhenii i dvizhenii]

pp. 109-112

Why Did We Come Here?

[Zachem my siuda prishli?]

pp. 112-115

Few Words from Abroad

[Neskol’ko zamechanii iz-za rubezha]

pp. 115-118

Response to Commenters

[Otvet opponentam]

pp. 118-137

Research Articles

Deconstructing Constructivism in Order to Understand Russia

[Dekonstruirovat’ konstruktivizm, chtoby poniat’ Rossiiu]

pp. 138-152

The Transformation of the Hospitality Etiquette of the Kazakhs

[Transformatsiia etiketa gostepriimstva u kazakhov]

pp. 153-167

The Orthodox Mission in Vyatka in the 18th Century: On the Role of the State and Clergy in the Process of Dissemination of the Christian Faith in the Region

[Pravoslavnaia missiia na viatke v XVIII v.: k voprosu o roli gosudarstva i dukhovenstva v protsesse rasprostraneniia khristianskoi very v regione]

pp. 168-182


Review of Evrei [Jews], edited by T.G. Emelyanenko and E.E. Nosenko-Shtein

pp. 183-187

Review of Two Lenins: A Brief Anthropology of Time, by N. Ssorin-Chaikov

pp. 188-191