Number 5, 2020

History of the Discipline

The Ethnographer Boris Aleksandrovich Vasiliev and his Essay “Five Days among Orochis”: Writing Strategies in Soviet Ethnography

[Etnograf Boris Aleksandrovich Vasiliev i ego ocherk “Piat’ dnei sredi orochei”: strategii pis’ma v sovetskoi etnografii]

pp. 5–22

Piat’ dnei sredi orochei

[Five Days among Orochis]

pp. 23–43

Ivan Poliakov’s Collection as the First Experience of an Integrated Photo Research of Western Siberia

[Kollektsiia I.S. Poliakova kak pervyi opyt kompleksnogo fotoissledovaniia Zapadnoi Sibiri]

pp. 35–53

Octavio Paz and Indian Avant-Garde: On an Episode of Reception of Claude Lévi-Strauss’ Work in the 1960s

[Oktavio Pas i indiiskii avangard: ob odnom epizode retseptsii rabot Kloda Levi-Strosa v 1960-e gody]

pp. 54–75

Ethnographic Studies of Folk Beliefs

Karakalpaks’ Magical Beliefs Associated with Children’s Rituals

[Magicheskie pred- stavleniia karakalpakov, sviazannye s detskoi obriadnost’iu]

pp. 76–94

Bargut Oboo in Eastern Mongolia

[Bargutskie oboo v Vostochnoi Mongolii]

pp. 95–109

Research Articles

Between the Shapsug and the Abkhaz: Actualization of Identities of the Ubykh Clan Chéren

[Mezhdu shapsugami i abkhazami: aktualizatsiia identichnostei ubykhskoi familii Chéren]

pp. 110–129

Population of Afghanistan in the 19th Century: Some Demographic Trends

[Naselenie Afganistana v XIX v.: nekotorye demograficheskie tendentsii]

pp. 128–148

“Fatal” Diagnosis and Rites of Passage: Self-Representation of Disabled People and Their Statuses in Contemporary Russia

[“Rokovoi” diagnoz kak nachalo obriada perekhoda: status invalida i otnoshenie k nemu v sovremennoi Rossii]

pp. 149–161

Number of Siblings, Birth Order and Their Impacts on Individual Cooperativeness in Adulthood: An Experimental Study among Buryats of Eastern Siberia

[Vliianie chisla siblingov i ocherednosti rozhdeniia na individual’nuiu kooperativnost’ vo vzroslom vozraste: eksperimental’noe issledovanie sredi buriat]

pp. 162–184

Book Reviews

Review of Poslednii genii XX veka: Yurii Knorozov: sud’ba uchenogo [The Last Genius of the 20th Century: Yuri Knorozov: The Fate of a Scholar], by G.G. Ershova

pp. 185–188

Review of Le statut de Métis au Canada. Histoire, identité et enjeux sociaux, by D. Gagnon

pp. 188–191

Review of Ocherki istorii finno-ugorskikh etnograficheskikh issledovanii v Rossii (vtoraia polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.) [Essays in the History of Finno-Ugric Ethnographic Research in Russia (the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries)], by A.E. Zagrebin

pp. 192–195

Review of Palomniki. Etnograficheskie ocherki pravoslavnogo nomadizma [Pilgrims: Ethnographic Sketches of the Orthodox Nomadism], by J.V. Kormina

pp. 196–198