Number 5, 2003

Towards the 70th Anniversary of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

Russian Anthropology: Contemporary State, Theoretical Directions, Research Results

pp. 3-23

The Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography – the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: 1933-1943

pp. 24-42

From the History of the Institute of Ethnography (Very Personal Recollections)

pp. 43-53

Ethnos and Culture

Interethnic Contacts Among Ethnic Groups on the Pechora River (Nenets, Russian Ust’-Tsiliom, and Komi-Izhem)

pp. 54-67

Phyto-Anthropomorphous World Model in Russian Folk Crafts

pp. 68-86

Legends of the Invisible Town of Kitezh: Contacts between Worlds

pp. 87-99

Religious Situation in Ingria at the End of the XVIIth c. (on the data from J. Gezelius diary)

pp. 100-109

The Ethnography of Tuvinians in China

pp. 110-122

Ethnos, Society, State

Ossetia within Administrative System of the Russian Empire (End of the XVIIIth – XIXth cc.)

pp. 123-134

Ethnicity and Tolerance in Contemporary Russian Mass Media

pp. 135-147


Ten years of the Ethnographic Cabinet-Museum of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (Russian Academy of Sciences)

pp. 148-157

Book Reviews

Т.И. Дронова. Русские староверы-беспоповцы Усть-Цильмы: Конфессиональные традиции и обряды жизненного цикла (конец XIX – XX вв.) / Отв. ред. Т.А.Бернштам. Сыктывкар, 2003 (T.I. Dronova. Russian Old-Believers Bespopovtsy of Ust’-Tsilma: Religious Traditions and Life-Cycle Rituals at the End of the XIXth-XXth cc. Syktyvkar, 2002)

pp. 158-161

“Взойду ли я на гору высокую, увижу ли я бездну глубокую…”: Старообрядческий фольклор Нижегородской области / Сост. и коммент. О.А. Савельева, Л.Н. Новикова. Новосибирск, 2001 (“If I Go to the High Mountain, If I Look into Abyss…”: Old Believers Folklore of Nizhegorodskaya Region / Compilation and commentaries by O.A. Saveliev, L.N. Novikov. Novosibirsk, 2001)

pp. 161-162

Очерки экспедиционного быта в Закавказье. М., 2001 (Essays of Everyday Life During Field Studies in the Transcaucasus. Moscow, 2001)

pp. 162-164

З.Б. Цаллагова. Этнопедагогический диалог культур. Владикавказ, 2001 (Z.B. Tsallagova. Ethno-Pedagogical Dialogue of Cultures. Vladikavkaz, 2001)

pp. 164-166

In Memoriam

Galina Ivanovna Dzeniskevich (1933-2003)

pp. 167-171

Alexandr Sergeyevich Mylnikov (1929-2003)

pp. 172-175