Number 1, 2003

Theoretical Issues

Fin de siècle History of Russian Anthropology (A Bibliometric Approach)

pp. 3-54

The Culture of Empathy

pp. 55-68

Ethnos and Culture

The Cave Cut in the Folk Islam

pp. 69-86

On Traditional Life of the Karakalpak Youth (on the Field Materials of the 1950’s)

pp. 87-97

Ethnos, Society, State

Legal Culture of the Russian Peasants in Russia of the XIX c.: problems and interpretations

pp. 98-123

Gender Studies

The Choice of the Sex Partner by the Moscow Students: Evolutionary Analysis

pp. 124-146


List of Major Works by I.B. Moldobayev

pp. 147-148

Book Reviews

B.A. Тишков. Общество в вооруженном конфликте (этнография чеченской войны). М., 2001 (V.A. Tishkоv. Society in an armed Conflict: an Ethnography of the Chechen War. Moscow, 2001)

pp. 149-154

Русский Север: этническая история и народная культура. ХII-ХХ века. М., 2002 (The Russian North: Ethnic History and Folk Culture. XII-XX centuries. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 155-159

Традиционные культуры африканских народов – прошлое и настоящее. М., 2000. (Traditional Cultures of the Peoples of Africa: Past and Present. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 160-164

In Memoriam

Irina Mikhailovna Zolotariova

pp. 165-169

Valentin Arkadievich Paritskii

pp. 170

Index of the articles and materials carried in the journal's issues of 2002

pp. 171-175