Number 2, 2004

Theoretical Issues

Notes on the “Bridge between the Past and the Future”, or Ethnic Historical Consciousness as a Phenomenon and a Research Object

pp. 3-20

Ethnos and Culture

Representations of Peoples in Early XIX-th Century Russian Foreign Travel Accounts

pp. 21-37

Age and Gender Differences in Perception of Funny and Sad in Children on the Data of Drawing Tests

pp. 38-57

The Agiography of the “Apostle of the Pamir Ismaeli” (Towards the Centennial of Nasir-I Khusraw)

pp. 58-66

The Traces of Shamanism in the Cult of Saints Among the Peoples of Dagestan

pp. 67-84

Shamanism in the Social History of Korea of the Gotyeo Dynasty (918-1392)

pp. 85-98

Shamans and Shama-nists: Some Theoretical Aspects of the Studies of Shamanism and Other Traditional Beliefs and Practices

pp. 99-118


The List of Major Publications by E.P. Busygin

pp. 119-120

The List of Major Publications by E.V. Ivanova

pp. 120-122


The International Interdisciplinary Conference “The Sacral in Traditional Culture: Methodology of Research and Field and Experimental Data Analysis”

pp. 123-127

The International Conference “Ryabinin’s Readings-2003”

pp. 128-131

Basilov’s Readings-2003

pp. 132

Critical Analysis and Book Reviews

Народы Западной и Средней Сибири: культура и этнические процессы / Отв. редактор И.В. Лоткин, Н.А. Томилов. Новосибирск, 2002 (The Peoples of Western and Central Siberia: Culture and Ethnic Processes / Eds. I.V. Lotkin, N.A. Tomilov. Novosibirsk, 2002)

pp. 133-136

C.C. Савоскул. Русские нового зарубежья: Выбор судьбы. М., 2001 (S.S. Savoskul. The Russians of the New Abroad: The Choice of Fate. M., 2001)

pp. 140-146

New Research of the Khanty Ornaments

pp. 140-146

Five Books on Juridical Anthropology

pp. 147-150

Д.В. Сень. Войско Кубанское Игнатово Кавказское. Исторические пути казаков-некрасовцев (1708 – конец 1920-х гг.). Краснодар, 2002 (D.V. Sen’. The Kuban Army Ignatovo Kavkazskoye. The History of the Nekrasov Cossaks (1708-1920s). Krasnodar, 2002)

pp. 151-152

T.B. Павлова. Обрядовый фольклор эвенов Якутии (музыкально-этнографический аспект). СПб., 2001 (T.V. Pavlova. Ritual Folklore of the Yakutian Evens: a musical-ethnographic study. St. Petersburg, 2001)

pp. 153-155

Н.П. Колпакова. У золотых родников (Записки фольклориста). СПб., 2002 (N.P. Kolpakova. By the Golden Sources: Notes by a Student of Folklore. St. Petersburg, 2002)

pp. 156-159

Л.Р. Павлинская. Кочевники голубых гор. Судьба традиционной культуры народов Восточных Саян в контексте взаимодействия с современностью. СПб., 2002 (L.P. Pavlinskaia. Nomads of the Blue Mountains: The Fate of Traditional Culture in the Eastern Saiany in the Context of Modernity. St. Petersburg, 2002)

pp. 160-161

В.Д. Дзидзоев. Осетия в XX в. (историко-этнологическое исследование). Владикавказ, 2001 (V.D. Dzid- zoyev. Osetia in the System of Relationships among the Caucasus Peoples, XVII-early XX cc. Vladikavkaz, 2001)

pp. 162-164

In Memoriam

Anna Vasilyevna Smolyak

pp. 165-169

Memorial Dates

The Calendar of Memorable Dates and Events in Ethnography and Anthropology for the Year of 2004

pp. 170-174