Number 3, 2008

Special Theme of the Issue

Oil, Ecology, Culture

(guest editors: A.A. Sirina, A.A. Yarlykapov, D.A. Funk)

Introduction: Anthropology of the Extracting Industry

pp. 3-4

Oil, Gas, and the Rights of Native Peoples in the Arctic: An Experience of Northern Canada

pp. 4-17

Extracting Industries and Native Peoples in Russia: Regulation, Participation, and Role of Anthropologists

pp. 17-28

The Right of Oil and the Rights of Native Peoples

pp. 28-36

Thoughts on Sakhalin and Its Residents in the Light of Transnational Projects on Hydrocarbon

pp. 36-47

Anthropologists as Culture Brokers: The Case of Sakhalin

pp. 47-54

The Impact of Activities of Extracting and Transportation Companies on Traditional Land Use: An Ecologist’s View

pp. 55-60

A Ghost of the Pipeline in the North Baikal

pp.  60-70

The Tunkin National Park vs. YUKOS: A History of One Opposition

pp. 71-78

Oil and Nogai’s Migration to the North

pp. 78-81

Professional Communities of Migrant Muslims in Western Siberia

pp.  82-89

“Astrakhangazprom” in the Lives of Nogai-Karagash of the Astrakhan Region

pp. 89-102

Anthropology of Memory

The “War of Monuments” in Estonia: Ethnic Aspect

pp. 103-118

The Monument to Genocide Victims in the Context of Armenian Remembering Rites

pp. 119-128

From Silence to Glasnost: Reconfiguration of the Memory of Armenian Loss in Post-Socialist Armenia

pp. 128-146

Imagined Geography and Imperial Discourse: Practices of the Russian Empire in Crimea and the North-West Caucasus in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

pp. 146-160

Ethnographic Studies of Central Asia

Tibetan Tulku – Who Are They? (On the Phenomenon of Reincarnation)

pp. 161-168

Traces of the Mother-Progenitor Cult in the Buryat Traditional Culture

pp. 169-183


Review of Etnokul’turnyi oblik Rossii: perepis’ 2002 goda (Ethnic-Cultural Image of Russia: The Census of 2002), ed. by V.V. Stepanov, V.A. Tishkov. Moscow, 2007

pp. 184-186

Review of V.K. Arseniev – puteshestvennik i etnograf (V.K. Arseniev, Traveler and Ethnographer), by Y.V. Argudiaeva. Vladivostok, 2007

pp. 186-189

Review of Noveishaia istoriia islamskogo soobshchestva Rossii (Modern History of Islamic Community in Russia), by R.A. Silantiev. Moscow, 2006; Noveishaia istoriia islama v Rossii (Modern History of Islam in Russia), by R.A. Silantiev. Moscow, 2007

pp. 189-191