Number 6, 1984

On the Principles Underlying the Study of the Functions, Content and Structure of Activities outside Working Time

pp. 3-16

The Family: Its Structure, Functions, Types

pp. 16-28

An Attempt at Reconstructing a Society’s Structure (Based on Data from a Bronze Age Burial Ground)

pp. 29-41

The Immigrant Population of the Republic of South Africa

pp. 41-50


Discussion of M. M. Gromyko’s Article «The Place of the Village (Territorial) Community in the Social Machinery by Which Tradition is Formed, Preserved and Changed» («Sovetskaya Etnografia» 1984, No 5)

pp. 51-64

From the History of Ethnography

M. G. Levin, Anthropologist, Ethnographer and Research Organizer (to His 80th Birth Anniversary)

pp. 65-76


On the Forms and Types of Animal Husbandry (19th Century Daghestan Materials)

pp. 77-88

Early Traditions in House Construction among the Highland Peoples of Northern Caucasus

pp. 88-98

A Visit to the Hungarian Yas

pp. 98-107

On the Creative Adaptation of Sociocultural Traditions in Niger

pp. 107-113

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

The Saddle and the Stirrup

pp. 114-130

Academic Life

An All-Union Conference on the Results of 1983 Field Studies

pp. 131-138

Readings in Memory of B. O. Dolgikh

pp. 138-140

Problems of the Ethnic Specificity of the Language of Culture: a Symposium

pp. 140-142

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 142-143

Criticism and Bibliography

Critical Articles and Reviews

Chinese Scholars on Problems in the Theory of Ethnos

pp. 144-151

General Ethnography

The Ethnos in Pre-Class and Early Class Society. Eds. Yu. V. Bromley, L. Ye. Kubbel, A. I. Pershits

pp. 152-154

Peoples of the USSR

N. A. Tomilov. The Turkic-Speaking Population of the West-Siberian Plain from the Close of the 16th to the First Quarter of the 19th Century

pp. 155-157

Two Books on Folk Art

pp. 157-158

The Bylinas. Russian Musical Epos. Compiled by B. M. Dobrovolski, V. V. Korguzalov

pp. 158-160

I. V. Dubov. North-Eastern Russia in the Early Middle Ages (Historico-archaeological Studies)

pp. 160-163

Peoples of Europe outside the USSR

Во Lönnqvist. Suomenruotsalaiset. Kansatieteellinen tutkielma kieliryhmästä

pp. 163-166

Peoples of America

L. Carlson. Indians, Bureaucrats and Land. The Dawes Act and the Decline of Indian Farming

pp. 166-168

Index for 1984

pp. 169-173