Number 5, 1985

Ethnic-National Self-Awareness: the Basis on Which It Is Formed and the Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Its Development

pp. 3-16

Ethnic History: The Term and Its Content

pp. 16-25

The Role of Onomastics Data in Historical-Anthropological Studies

pp. 25-35

The Haitian Creole in the 17th and 18th Centuries: Language as an EthnosForming Factor

pp. 35-46

The Problem and the Origins of Romany Folk Music in Europe

pp. 46-56


Further Discussion of the Articles by M. N. Shmeliova and S. I. Vainshtein on Problems of Field Studies («Sovetskaya Etnografia», 1985, No 3)

pp. 57-69

From the History of Ethnography

The Ethnographic Archive of V. N. Tchernetsov (to the 80th Anniversary of the Scholar’s Birth)

pp. 70-74


Traditions and Innovations in the Present-Day Kirghiz Rural Family

pp. 75-83

Ethnic Processes among the Western Turkmens in the Late Feudal Period (16th to 18th Centuries)

pp. 83-91

At the Bear Festival among the Kets

pp. 92-97

The Old and the New in the Society of the Mzabites in Algeria

pp. 98-104

Yoruba «Native» Courts and Traditional Rulers in the Colonial Period

pp. 105-112

Searchings, Facts, Hypotheses

The Traditional Glove Puppet Theatre in China

pp. 113-125

Our Anniversaries

A List of Major Works by Professor Ye. P. Busygin, Doctor of Historical Sciences (to His 70th Birthday)

pp. 126-129

Academic Life

The 7th International Congress of Applied Linguistics

pp. 130-136

«Tradition as a Phenomenon of Human Cultural Activity», a Symposium

pp. 136-137

«The “Kalevala” — a Notable Monument of World Culture» — a Scientific Conference

pp. 138-142

Expeditions in Brief

pp. 141-142

Criticism and Bibliography

General Ethnography

The Paths of Development of Ethnology outside the USSR/Eds. Yu. V. Bromley, J. R. Grigulevitch, E. A. Rikman

pp. 143-145

L. A. Abramian. The Primitive Festival and Mythology

pp. 145-148

Peoples of the USSR

B. Kh. Bgazhnokov. Essays on the Adygh Centuries (Their Economy and Social Structure)

pp. 148-150

Kh. I. Khutuyev. The Rise and Development of Socialist Culture in Soviet Kabardino-Balkaria

pp. 151-153

V. V. Karlov. The Evenks in the 18th to Early 20th Centuries (Their Economy and Social Structure)

pp. 153-155

Peoples of Europe outside the USSR

D. Antonievitch. Rituals and Customs of Balkan Sheep Herders

pp. 156-157

Peoples of America

Н. Schindler. Die Reiterstämme des Gran Chaco. T. Harimann. Bibliografia Critica da Etnologia Brasileira. V. III

pp. 158-160

Letters to the Editor

To the Problem of the Ethnic Territory of the Burtas in the Second Half of the 8th to the Beginning of the 10th Centuries

pp. 161-164

The Burtas and the Forest-Steppe Variant of the Saltovo-Mayatska Culture (Reply to A. Kh. Khalikov)

pp. 164-169