Number 2, 1995

To the 50th anniversary of the victory: evejits, recollections, opinions

From the editorial board

pp. 3

To the 50th anniversary of the victory over German Fascism

pp. 3-21

The Great Patriotic Wan thoughts and recollections

pp. 22-39

Paying the last honours

pp. 40-62

The War years in life of S. P. Tolstov

pp. 62-75

Ethnogenesis and ethnic history

Population of the Central regions of the Russion North (XII—XXth centuries)

pp. 76-90

On the Finnish component of the anthropological type of the Vologda region population (Russian- Finnish 1991 expedition data)

pp. 90-96

Anthropological autoidentification among Vologda Russians (comparative study of the aesthetic preferences of human morphotype)

pp. 97-103

Ethnos and culture

Sources for the study of agricultural traditions of the Russian peasants (late XIX — early XXth century)

pp. 104-112

Orthodox denominations of west Siberia population (later half of the XIX — early XX century)

pp. 113-127

Religious beliefs and practices

«White Brotherhood — Yusmalos» movement: history, doctrine, cult, organization

pp. 128-140

Applied ethnology

Discussion of the draft law «Fundamentals of the law status of the native peoples of the Russian Federation North»

pp. 141-148

Ethnic minorities and the right to self-determination (international law issues)

pp. 149-158


Theoretical conference «Culture and Ethnoethics»

pp. 159-161

Slavic ethnological atlas project

pp. 161-163


«Regarding man as of paramount importance». A survey of books by M. Cernea on applied ethnology and sociology of the village

pp. 164-167

Good K. with D. Chanoff. Into the heart: One man’s pursuit of love and knowledge among the Yanomama. L. – 1991

pp. 168-170

Early forms of social stratification: genesis, historical dynamics, potestar-political functions. In memory of L. Kubbel

pp. 171-173


Yu. A. Rapoport. Publications

pp. 174-175