Number 1, 2000

III Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia

Anthropology of Russia’s Transformations

pp. 3-19

«Globalization of Ethnology on the Eve of the New Millenium»

pp. 19-39

«Shamanism and Other Traditional Beliefs and Practices»

pp. 39-51

IV International Conference of Ethnic Studies Network

pp. 51-52

Ethnos and Culture

Rural Housing on the Outskirts of Moscow in the Second Half of the 19th – Early Half of the 20th Centuries (based on the materials of surveys conducted among local dwellers)

pp. 53-70

Ethnodemographic Traits of the Petty Bourgeois Families of Kazan City in Late 19th century (based on the materials of family rolls of the City Administration)

pp. 70-81

Dolna Grashtitza-90: Thracian Sacrificial Altar Hearths

pp. 81-87

Ethnos, Society, State

Problems of Minorities in the State Policy of Poland (1945-1997)

pp. 88-100

Religion in a Secularized Society: Traditions and Innovations in the Church Life of Germany in the 20th century

pp. 100-112

From History of Science

Stepan Lisitzian and the Caucasian Historico-Archaeological Institute in Tiflis (Tbilisi)

pp. 113-128


Tyumen Oblast Museum of Local Lore, History and Literature and Its Ethnographical Works

pp. 129-139

J. Cook’s Collection: Engravings of Drawings by artist W. Hodges held in Peter the Great Kunstkammer

pp. 140-152


Г.У. Солдатова. Психология межэтнической напряженности. М., 1998. / G.U. Soldatova. Psychology of Interethnic Tensions. M., 1998

pp. 153-158

Г.У. Солдатова. Психология межэтнической напряженности. М., 1998. / G.U. Soldatova. Psychology of Interethnic Tensions. M., 1998

pp. 158-161

И.Ю. Заринов. Путь длиннее века (Поляки в Бразилии). М., 1998. /I.Yu. Zагiпоv. The Road Longer than a Century (Poles in Brazil). M., 1998

pp. 162-163

Народы и религии мира. М., 2000. / Peoples and Religions of the World. M., 1999

pp. 163-165

Русское Зарубежье. Золотая книга эмиграции. Первая треть XX века. Энциклопедический биографический словарь. М., 1997. / Russian Diaspora Abroad. The Golden Book of Emigration. The Early Third of the 20 Century. Encyclopedic Biographical Dictionary. M., 1997

pp. 165-167

The Third Wave of Modernization in Latin America. Cultural Perspectives on Neoliberalism / Ed.L. Phillips. XXIV. Wilmington. 1998

pp. 167-168


To the Memory of H.A. Argynbaev

pp. 169-172

To the Memory of S.P. Dunn

pp. 173