Number 3, 2002

The Fourth All-Russian Congress of Ethnologists and Anthropologists

Congress Transactions

pp. 3-14

Perception of Time

pp. 14-25

Physical Anthropology at the Turn of Centuries

pp. 25-38

Ethnos and Culture

Dwelling Houses by Boiki (Verkhovintsy) at the End of 18th – First Half of the 20th cc.

pp. 39-57

Traditions and Innovations in the Perception of Fire and Water by the Cossaks of the Upper Kuban’

pp. 57-68

Ethnos. Society. State

The Russian Population of the Kabarda-Balkar Republic: the Main Periods of Formation

pp. 69-84

Mosques. Mandirs and Gurdwaras of London: New landmarks of the cosmopolis

pp. 85-90

Anthroponymic Research

The History and Structure of the Kolkh (Zan) Surnames: Preliminary Research

pp. 91-104

Anthroponymic Notes (based on the data from the Caucasus)

pp. 104-111

The History of the Discipline

Ethnological Topics and Problems in the Works of Konstantin Leontiev

pp. 112-126

To the W.G. Triesman Centenary

pp. 126-129


Seminar on Siberian Shamanism in Spain

pp. 130-133

The Second All-Russian Conference «The Education of Patriotism, Civic Duties and Multiculturalism is the Russian Path to Development»

pp. 133-135


The Exibition «The World of Kokesi: Japan Wooden Dolls» at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

pp. 136-138

Book Reviews

Этикет у пародов Юго-Восточной Азии. СПб.. 1999. (Etiquette of the Peoples of South East Asia. St. Petersburg. 1999)

pp. 139-145

И.Х. Тхамокова. Русское и украинское население Кабардино-Балкарии. Нальчик, 2000. (I.H. Tkhamokova. The Russian and Ukrainian Population of the Kabarda-Balkar Republic. Nalchik. 2000)

pp. 145-149

A.Г. Кpaвецкий, A.A. Плетнева. История церковнославянского языка в России (конец XIX – XX в.) М.. 2001 (A.G. Кгavеtskу. А.А. Рlеtnуоva. The History of the Church Slavic Language in Russia at the End of 19th—20th cc. Moscow. 2001)

pp. 149-153

Л.И. Рославцева. Одежда крымских татар конца XVIII – начала XX в. Историко-этнографическое исследование. М., 2000 (L.I. Roslavtzeva. Crimean Tatar clothings of the late 18th – early 20th centuries. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 153-155

Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 13. Wash., 2002

pp. 155-160

В.Я. Бутанаев. Хакасско-русский историко-этнографический словарь. Абакан, 1999 (V.Ya. Вutanaiеv. Khakass-Russian historico-ethnographic dictionary. Abakan. 1999)

pp. 161-163


List of the major works by U.S. Konkka

pp. 164-166

List of the major works by L.F. Monogarova

pp. 167-168

List of the major works by R.Z. Yanguzin

pp. 168-172

List of the major works of H.M. Dumanov

pp. 173-175