Number 4, 2003

Ethnos and Culture

Ethnogenesis and identity: nationalist mythologies in contemporary Russia

pp. 3-14

Social Organization as Identification Factor by the Adyge Ethnic Group of Shapsugs

pp. 15-26

Power and Violens in Avar Song on Khochbar

pp. 27-44

The Sanctuary Kuala in Udmurt Zakamie Region

pp. 45-51

Povoinik as a Gift in Traditional Bulgarian Culture

pp. 52-66

Ethnos, Society, State

Marriage in Russia of the XXth c.: Traditional Intentions and Innovative Experiments

pp. 67-89

The History of the Discipline

The Kharuzins’ Family and Its Ethnographic Epistolary Heritage

pp. 90-106

In Memoriam of Mikhail Vladimirovich Vitov, an ethnographer and anthropologist (1923-1968)

pp. 107-118

Ethnographer's Memoirs

Fifty Years with the Peoples of Central Asia

pp. 119-136

Anthropology Abroad

Ethnological Probe of History: From the Experience of Historical Anthropology in the Federal Republic ot Germany

pp. 137-148


List of Major Works by G.E. Markov

pp. 149

List of Major Works by Z.P. Sokolova

pp. 150-153

List of Major Works by L.A. Chibirov

pp. 154-157


The Ninth International Conference on Onomastucs of the Volga Basin

pp. 158-161

«Current Issues of Ethnic and Religious Tolerance of the Volga Peoples» (a conference)

pp. 162-164

Book Reviews

Н.Ф.Мокшин. Материальная культура мордвы. Этнографический справочник. Саранск, 2003 (N.F. Моkshin. Material Culture of the Mordva. An Ethnographic Reference Book. Saransk, 2002)

pp. 165-166

Ш.Кадыров. Российско-туркменский исторический словарь. Т.1. Берген, 2001 (Sh.K. Кadугоv. Russian-Turkmenian Historical Dictionary. Vol. 1. Bergen, 2001)

pp. 166-168

Центральноазиатский караван (аналитические наброски после прочтения книги Ш.Кадырова «Российско-туркменский исторический словарь») (Sh.K. Кadугоv. The Central Asian Caravan (analytical notes on Sh.K. Kadyrov’s «Russian-Turkmenian Historical Dictionary». Vol. 1. Bergen, 2001)

pp. 168-172

E.Govor. My Dark Brother: The Story of the Illins, a Russian-Aboriginal Family. Sydney, 2000

pp. 172-173

А.Ю.Рожков. В кругу сверстников: жизненный мир молодого человека в Советской России 1920-х годов. Т.1-2. Краснодар, 2003

pp. 173-174