Number 3, 2005

Special Theme of the Issue

Muslim Headscarves

(guest editor: S.N. Abashin)

“Mystery Veil” (On Women’s Traditional Seclusion in Central Asia)

pp. 4-19

The French, the Muslim: What Is the Problem About?

pp. 20-38

The French Law Banning Religious Symbols in School and Maghrebin Womens’ Views on the Muslim Headscarf

pp. 39-57

Ethnos, society, state

Local Identity of Contemporary Russians: The Case of Pereslavl-Zalessky

pp. 58-73

The Ethnic Situation and Migration Processes in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan

pp. 74-82


Work of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS, in 2004

pp. 83-108

The Discussion of Requiem po etnosu, by V.A. Tishkov (Materials from the Methodological Seminar at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS)

pp. 109-131

International Conference “The Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations: The Present State and Perspectives of Nomadism in the Globalized World”. On the Site of the Journal

pp. 132-137

On the Journal's Site

pp. 137

Book Reviews

Review of Politicheskaia antropologiia (Political Anthropology), by J. Balandier. Moscow, 2001; Anthropologie politique, by C. Rivière. Paris, 2000

pp. 138-141

On the New Journal “Anthropological Forum”

pp. 141-143

Review of Traditsionnaia material’ naia kul’tura sel’skogo naseleniia Kuby (Traditional Material Culture of Rural Populations of Cuba), ed. by E.G. Alexandrenkov, A.J. Garcia-Dalli. Moscow, 2003

pp. 144-148

Review of Istoriia etograficheskogo izucheniia tur-kmenskogo naroda v otechestvennoi nauke (History of Ethnographic Studies of the Turkmen People in Domestic Scholarship), by G.P. Vasilieva. Moscow, 2003

pp. 149-153

Review of Pobegi ban’iana: Migratsiia naseleniia iz Indii i for-mirovanie uzlov yuzhnoaziatskoi diaspory (Banyan Offshoots: The Migration of Population from India and the Formation of “Nodes” of South Asian Diasporas), by I.Y. Kotin. St. Petersburg, 2003

pp. 153-156


Tatiana Aleksandrovna Zhdanko

pp. 157-158

Calendar of Memorable Dates in Ethnography and Anthropology for 2005

pp. 159