Number 4, 2015

Special Theme of the Issue

Antropologia media [Anthropology of Mass Media]

(guest editor A.A. Novikova)

Antropologiia media v Rossii: istoki i perspektivy

[Anthropology of Mass Media in Russia: Origins and Prospects]

pp. 3-12

Antropologicheskii povorot v zarubezhnykh issledovaniiakh SMI: ot kontseptsii o cheloveke i kul’ture k novoi distsipline

[Anthropological Turn in Western Media Studies: From Concepts of Human Being and Culture to a New Discipline]

pp. 13-26

Sovremennaia mediinaia sreda: situatsiia mnogomiriia

[The Contemporary Media Space: The Many-Worlds Reality]

pp.  27-40

Antropologiia tsifrovogo goroda: k voprosu o vybore metoda

[Anthropology of the Digital City: On the Issue of Choosing a Method]

pp. 41-54

Ustnaia kul’tura v mediapraktikakh sovremennogo rossiiskogo sela

[Oral Culture in Media Practiсes of the Contemporary Russian Village]

pp. 55-63

Shut, Petrushka, Durak… (ipostasi trikstera v rossiiskoi politicheskoi kommunikatsii)

[Clown, Punch, Fool… (The Trickster’s Incarnations in the Russian Political Communication)]

pp. 64-74

History of the Discipline

Rol’ Tashkentskoi antropologicheskoi shkoly v izuchenii narodov Srednei Azii

[The Role of the Tashkent Anthropology School in Studying Peoples of Central Asia]

pp. 75-90

“Russkie na Dal’nem Vostoke” A.P. Georgievskogo: opyt lingvo-etnograficheskogo analiza

[“Russians in the Far East” by A.P. Georgievskii: An Attempt at Linguistic-Ethnographic Analysis]

pp. 91-104

Articles and Materials

Genealogii akha i hani Kitaia: dukhi, liudi, dinastii

[Genealogies of the Akha and Hani of China: Spirits, Human Beings, Dynasties]

pp. 105-123

Periodizatsiia zhizni individa v uchenii Kalachakra

[The Periodization of an Individual’s Life in the Kālacakra Teaching]

pp. 124-139

Sotsial’naia struktura plemeni banzhara iz Yuzhnoi Indii

[Social Structure of the Banjara of South India]

pp. 140-150

Traditsionnye nazemnye pogrebal’nye sooruzheniia severnykh sel’kupov

[Traditional Sepulchral Constructions of the Northern Selkup]

pp. 151-168

Zolotoe shit’io tatar-misharei: osobennosti tekhniki i ornamenta

[Goldwork Embroidery of the Mishar Tatars: Technique and Ornamental Patterns]

pp. 169-176

Reviews and Surveys

Review of Variations on Uzbek Identity: Strategic Choices, Cognitive Schemas and Political Constraints in Identification Processes, by P. Finke. New York and Oxford, 2014

pp. 177-181

Review of Dialogi s proshlym: Etnoistoriia radzhputskogo kniazhestva [Dialogues with the Past: An Ethnohistory of the Rajput Kingdom], by E.Y. Karachkova. Moscow, 2013

pp. 181-185

Review of Dialogi s proshlym: Etnoistoriia radzhputskogo kniazhestva [Dialogues with the Past: An Ethnohistory of the Rajput Kingdom], by E.Y. Karachkova. Moscow, 2013

pp. 186-190