Home    Number 4, 2015

Periodizatsiia zhizni individa v uchenii Kalachakra

[The Periodization of an Individual’s Life in the Kālacakra Teaching]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Andrei Strelkov | astrelkov@mail.ru | Udumbara Publications


individual, tantra, universe and individual isomorphism, eschatology, avatara, visnu, kalacakra, yuga


The article examines the periodization of an individual’s life in the Kalacakra teaching (Buddhist Tantra teaching which appeared in India in the beginning of the 11th century). This periodization is founded on the conception of ten incarnations (Avatara’s) of the god Visnu: fish, terrapin, wild boar, man-lion, dwarf, Parasu-rama, Rama, Krsna, Buddha, Kalki. Ten periods of the human life correspond to the cycle of existence of the Universe (four yuga’s). The study draws on Sri-kalacakra-nama-tantra-raja (short version of basic text of the Kalacakra teaching), Vimalaprabha (a commentary to this text), and a commentary to Vimalaprabha by the famous Tibetan scholar Buston (1290-1364). The periodization of the human life in the Kalacakra teaching presents a great value in the context of studying medieval Indian beliefs about the individual. The Kalacakra teaching and its periodization of the human life continue to live in Tibet and among the Mongol tribes up to the present day.


Strelkov, A.M. 2015. Periodizatsiia zhizni individa v uchenii Kalachakra [The Periodization of an Individual’s Life in the Kālacakra Teaching]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 124-139

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