Home    Number 4, 2015

Shut, Petrushka, Durak… (ipostasi trikstera v rossiiskoi politicheskoi kommunikatsii)

[Clown, Punch, Fool… (The Trickster’s Incarnations in the Russian Political Communication)]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Svetlana Shomova | sshomova@hse.ru | National Research University Higher School of Economics


political communication, russia, archetypetrickster, image


The Trickster archetype takes one of the key places not only in the history of culture, but also in the political and communication systems of nowadays. It finds a visible embodiment both in the informal political communication and in the institutionalized communication models. The article discusses the main forms of manifestation of this archetype in the images of Russian political leaders, its possible modifications, as well as the role of contemporary media in the replication of the image.


Shomova, S.A. 2015. Shut, Petrushka, Durak.. (ipostasi trikstera v rossiiskoi politicheskoi kommunikatsii) [Clown, Punch, Fool.. (The Trickster’s Incarnations in the Russian Political Communication)]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 64-74

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