Number 5, 2018

Special Theme of the Issue

Anthropology Social and Philosophical

(guest editor E.G. Trubina)

Philosophical and Non-Philosophical Anthropology: Epistemological Privileges and Appropriations (An Introduction)

[Filosofskaia i “nefilosofskaia” antropologii: epistemologicheskie privilegii i prisvoeniia (vvedenie)]

pp. 5-12

“The Attitude of Modernity” of Ignat Abdiralovich: The Belorussian Borderland as an Exemplary Ground for Philosophical Universalism

[“Ustanovka sovremennosti” Ignata Abdiralovicha: belorusskoe pogranich’ie kak ekzempliarnaia pochva filosofskogo universalizma]

pp. 13-27

“Between Where We Are and Where We Could Be”: The Locus of the Philosophical in Anthropology

[“Mezhdu tem, gde my seichas i tem, gde my mogli by byt’”: lokus filosofskogo v antropologii]

pp. 28-42

Anthropology without Ethnography: M. Scheler’s Philosophy of War and the Search for the “Nature of Man”

[Antropologiia bez etnografii: filosofiia voiny M. Shelera i poisk “prirody cheloveka”]

pp. 43-58

Philosophy in Anthropology: Learning Concepts from Life

[Filosofiia v antropologii: beria poniatiia iz zhizni]

pp. 59-77


On the Individual’s Role in Ethnohistory: Alexei Mametiev and the Ethnic Construction of the Nagaibaks

[O roli lichnosti v etnoistorii: Alexei Mametiev i narodostroitel’stvo nagaibakov]

pp. 78-107


From the “Seiumbeka Guard” to a “Smaller Indigenous People”

[Ot “gvardeitsev Seiumbeki” do “korennogo malochislennogo naroda”]

pp. 95-100

Response to the Commenter: The Nagaibaks Online – Ethnic Leadership in Cyberspace

[Otvet opponentu: nagaibaki onlain – etnoliderstvo v kiber-prostranstve]

pp. 101-107

Constructing Reality

“Iron Symbols of the Iron Age”: The Practice of “Nagelung” in Germany and Austria-Hungary during the First World War

[“Zheleznye simvoly zheleznoi pory”: o praktike “nagelunga” v Germanii i Avstro-Vengrii v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny]

pp. 108-127

The Ethnic-Cultural Image of Tatarstan and Its Regional Branding Promotion: The Strategy and Evaluation of the Political Elite

[Etnokul’turnyi obraz Tatarstana i ego prodvizhenie v regional’nom brendinge: strategii i otsenki elit]

pp. 128-145

The State Policy of Identity in Uzbekistan during the Late Soviet Period and the Age of Independence

[Gosudarstvennaia politika identichnosti v Uzbekistane v pozdnesovetskoe vremia i epokhu nezavisimosti]

pp. 146-161

The Peoples of Pamir, Their Languages and the Census: The Ethnic Discourse

[Pamirskie narody, ikh yazyki i perepis’: etnicheskii diskurs]

pp. 162-178

Research Articles

How Street Youth Groups Emerge (The Case of a Small Town)

[Kak voznikaiut molodiozhnye ulichnye gruppirovki (sluchai malogo goroda)]

pp. 179-195


Review of Arctic Pastoralist Sakha: Ethnography of Evolution and Microadaptation in Siberia, by Hiroki Takakura

pp. 196-199

Review of Fenomen kolonizatsii, by A.V. Golovnev

[The Phenomenon of Colonization]

pp. 200-203

Review of “Bespokoinyi Klementz”. Opyt intellektual’noi biografii, , by O.A. Milevsky and A.B. Panchenko

[“The Anxious Klementz”: An Attempt at an Intellectual Biography]

pp. 204-208