Number 6, 2017

Special Theme of the Issue

Anthropology of Urban Spaces and Mobilities

(guest editor A.G. Kuznetsov)

Towards the Anthropology of the “Near” in the City: Places, Non-Places, Mobilities

[K antropologii “blizkogo” v gorode: mesta, ne-mesta, mobil’nosti]

pp. 5-13

When History Hits Back: Urban Spaces and Memory of Things

[Kogda istoriia daet sdachi: gorodskie prostranstva i pamiat’ veshchei]

pp. 14-29

Submobilities, or on the Multiple Modes of Movement in the City

[Submobil’nosti, ili o mnozhestvennosti rezhimov gorodskikh mobil’nostei]

pp. 30-43

Working “(to)gather”: Localization of Technoscience in Offices of the IT Industry

[Rabotat’ (v)meste: lokalizatsiia tekhnonauki v ofisakh IT-industrii]

pp. 44-58

Revisiting the Published

Mobile Pastoralism in the Post-Communist Countries of Central Asia

[Mobil’noe skotovodstvo v postkommunistcheskikh stranakh Tsentral’noi Azii]

pp. 59-75

Vietnamese Immigrants with Families in Russia: The Return-or-Stay Dilemma

[Rossiiskie semeinye vietnamtsy: dilemma “vernut’sia ili ostat’sia”]

pp. 76-92

Ethnography of the North

“Between the Old and the New Lands”: An Experience of Social Self-Preservation among the Dwellers of Insular Arctic Areas

[“Mezh staroiu i Novoiu Zemlei”: opyt sotsial’nogo samosokhraneniia u zhitelei ostrovnykh territorii Arktiki]

pp. 93-110

Market Exchange and Share-Out Practices in the Anabar District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

[Rynochnyi obmen i praktiki delezha v Anabarskom raione Respubliki Sakha (Yakutia)]

pp. 111-127

Di’haii – the “Mohicans” of the Circumpolar Alaska

[Dikhai – “mogikane” Zapoliar’ia Aliaski]

pp. 128-145

The Influence of the “Traditional” and “Westernized” Distribution of Products in the “Arctic Cuisine” on the Nutrition Status of the Indigenous Northerners

[Vliianie “traditsionnogo” i “vesternizirovannogo” raspredeleniia produktov “arkticheskoi kukhni” na status pitaniia korennykh severian]

pp. 146-154

Confessors of Old-Belief Communities in the Lower Pechora Area: Election and Activities (the Mid-19th – 21st Centuries)

[Dukhovnye rukovoditeli staroobriadcheskikh obshchin na Nizhnei Pechore: izbranie i deiatel’nost’ (seredina XIX – XXI vv.)]

pp. 155-172


Review of Povsednevnyi mir russkoi krest’ianki perioda pozdnei imperii [The Everyday World of Russian Peasant Women of the Late Imperial Period], by V.B. Bezgin

pp. 173-176

In memoriam

Evgeniia Alekseevna Alekseenko (01.12.1930 – 14.05.2017)

pp. 177-180

Index of Articles and Materials Published in the Journal in 2017

pp. 181-184