Home    Number 5, 2018

From the “Seiumbeka Guard” to a “Smaller Indigenous People”

[Ot “gvardeitsev Seiumbeki” do “korennogo malochislennogo naroda”]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150001478-5

Type of publication: Comment

Submitted: 12.03.2018

Accepted: 16.03.2018

About author(s)

Irek Atnagulov | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7453-0720 | i.atnagulov@mail.ru | South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (69 Lenina Prospekt, Cheliabinsk, 454080, Russia)

(a comment to the article: Golovnev, A.V., and S.Y. Belorussova. 2018. O roli lichnosti v etnoistorii: Alexei Mametiev i narodostroitel'stvo nagaibakov [On the Individual's Role in Ethnohistory: Alexei Mametiev and the Ethnic Construction of the Nagaibaks])


Atnagulov, I.R. 2018. Ot “gvardeitsev Seiumbeki” do “korennogo malochislennogo naroda” [From the “Seiumbeka Guard” to a “Smaller Indigenous People”]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 95-100. https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150001478-5

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