Number 6, 2018

Special Theme of the Issue

The Living and the Dead: Hybrid Realities

(guest editor S.V. Sokolovskiy)

Somatotechniques, Technomorphisms and the Issue of the Human-in-Techno-Environment

[Somatotekhniki i tekhnomorfizmy: k probleme antropologii cheloveka-v-tekhnosrede]

pp. 5-11

Movement Culture as an Epistemic Object

[“Dvigatel’naia kul’tura” kak ob’ekt nauki]

pp. 12-24

Closed in Unbodiliness: Robot Gordon and Brain Organoids

[Zapertye v bestelesnosti: robot Gordon i mozgovye organoidy]

pp. 25-36

Bodies in Pokémon Go

[Tela v Pokémon Go]

pp. 37-53

Techno-Humanity and the Anthropology of the Everyday

[Tekhnochelovechestvo i antropologiia povsednevnosti]

pp.  54-65


“Ethnological Expert Assessment”: A Russian Experience in Evaluating the Social Impact of Industrial Projects

[“Etnologicheskaia ekspertiza”: rossiiskii opyt otsenki sotsial’nogo vozdeistviia promyshlennykh proektov]

pp. 66-113


The Katun Project: The Way It Was

[Katunskii proekt: kak eto bylo]

pp. 80-82

So What Does the Experience of Ethnological Expert Assessment Teach Us?

[Tak chemu zhe uchit opyt “etnologicheskoi ekspertizy”?]

pp. 82-86

Ethnological Expert Assessment: Lessons of Russia

[Etnologicheskaia ekspertiza: uroki Rossii]

pp. 87-92

Legal Foundations of the Ethnological Expert Assessment

[Pravovye osnovy etnologicheskoi ekspertizy]

pp. 92-95

Ethnological Expert Assessment: The Decades of Experience in Russia and the Context of the World Research Agenda

[Etnologicheskaia ekspertiza: desiatiletiia rossiiskogo opyta i kontekst mirovoi issledovatel’skoi povestki]

pp. 96-100

Response to Commenters: Continuing the Conversation

[Otvet opponentam: prodolzhaem razgovor]

pp. 100-113

Anthropological Onomastics

The Steppe, the Forest and the Tundra Components in Siberian and North American Cosmonymies

[“Stepnoi”, “taezhnyi” i “tundrovyi” komponenty v sibirskoi i severoamerikanskoi kosmonimii]

pp. 114-123

The Anthroponomical System of the Aztec (Nahua) on the Eve of Spanish Conquest

[Antroponimicheskaia model’ atstekov (naua) nakanune ispanskogo zavoevaniia]

pp. 124-140

Peasant Studies

The Marital Behavior of the Chuvash and Mordovian Peasants in the Verkhnie Koki Village of the Simbirsk Region in the Late 18th – Early 20th Centuries

[Brachnoe povedenie chuvashskikh i mordovskikh krest’ian sela Verkhnie Koki Simbirskoi gubernii v kontse XVIII – nachale XX v.]

pp. 141-160

Gender Aspects of the Old Age Category in the Russian Post-Reform Village

[Gendernye aspekty kategorii starosti v russkoi poreformennoi derevne]

pp. 161-180

A Holy Well in the Sazhnoye Village: The Cult Object in the Focus of Rival Traditions

[Pochitaemyi kolodets v sele Sazhnom: kul’tovyi ob’ekt v fokuse konkuriruiushchikh traditsii]

pp. 181-197


Review of Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment, by Han F. Vermeulen

pp. 198-201

Review of Upside Down Gods: Gregory Bateson’s World of Difference, by P. Harries-Jones

pp. 202-205

In Memoriam

Gennady Evgenievich Markov (21.06.1923–03.04.2018)

pp. 206-210